附录1-2  中国澳门主要统计指标概况
main social and economic indicators of macao special administrative region
项   目 items 2001 2002 2003 2004
人口及生命事件 population and demographics characteristics
  年中人口估计(万人)      mid-year estimates of population (10 000)   43.4 43.9 44.5 45.7
  出生率(‰)       crude birth rate (‰) 7.5 7.2 7.2 7.2
  死亡率(‰)      crude death rate (‰) 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
劳工  labour 
  劳动人口(万人)      labour force (10 000)   21.7 21.4 21.6 22.9
  劳动力参与率(%)      labour force participation rate (%) 64.8 62.3 60.9 61.9
  失业率(%)      unemployment rate (%) 6.4 6.3 6.0 4.8
  就业不足率(%)      underemployment rate (%) 3.6 3.4 2.7 1.9
  就业人口(万人)       employed population (10 000)  20.3 20.1 20.3 21.8
    制造业          manufacturing 4.4 4.1 3.7 3.6
    批发及零售业          wholesale and retail  3.0 3.1 3.3 3.5
    酒店及饮食业          hotels and restaurants 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
    公共行政、社会及个人服务业          public administration, community,   5.8 5.9 6.0 6.9
          social and personal services
对外贸易 external trade
  出口(亿澳门元)      exports (100 million mop) 185 189.3 207.0 225.6
    本地产品出口(亿澳门元)           domestic exports (100 million mop) 151 147.7 162.6 173.2
    再出口(亿澳门元)           re-exports (100 million mop) 33 41.5 44.4 52.4
  进口(亿澳门元)      imports (100 million mop) 192 203.2 221.0 279.0
  贸易条件指数(1996 = 100)      terms of trade index (1996=100) 100.0 99.7 100.9 99.0
工业生产 industrial production  
  工业电力消耗量(亿千瓦小时)      electricity consumption (100 million kwh) 1.5 1.6 2.0r 2.1
建筑(私人部门) construction (private sector)  
  新建及扩建私人楼宇      units completed and extended (no.)
    单位数目(个) 2622 381 1566 1108
  新建及扩建私人楼宇      gross floor area of buildings completed 
    总面积(万平方米)         and extended (10 000 m2) 40.4 10.3 24.3 21.5
  新动工的私人楼宇单位数目(个)      units started (no.) 812 1326 2658 2757
  新动工的私人楼宇      gross floor area of  
    总面积(万平方米)         buildings started (10 000 m2) 15.8 15.7 53.3 71.5
  楼宇单位买卖数目 (个)      number of units sold (no.) 27016 16831 18556 27823
  不动产买卖契约数目(宗)      deed of real estate transacted (no.) 12992 17513 14400 18623
  不动产按揭贷款数目(宗)      real estate mortgage loans (no.) 8206 9902 9198 13786
运输、通讯、旅游 transport, communications, tourism
  进出澳门货运车辆数目(万次)       lorries entering and departing macao (10 000) 45.8 47.8 47.8 56.6
    进出澳门的船班( 万次 )      ferry trips entering and departing macao (10 000) 7.4
    澳门国际机场的商业航班(万次)      commercial flights at macao international 2.9
      airport (10 000)
  登记车辆(万辆)      licensed vehicles (10 000) 11.6 12.4 13.2 14.3
  电话线(万条)      telephone lines (10 000) 37.1 45.2 53.9 60.6
  访澳旅客(万人次)       visitors (10 000) 1028 1153 1188.8 1667.3
  酒店入住率(%)      hotel occupancy rate (%) 61 67 64 76.0
财政收支、货币、金融 government accounts, money and 
 (亿澳门元)      finance (100 million mop)
  财政总收入       total government revenue  156.4 152.3 183.7r 193.4p*
  财政总支出      total government expenditure  152.2 134.9 157.1r 131.8p*
  货币供应(广义货币供应量m2)      money supply (m2)   
    澳门元           mop  261.1 275.4 296.7r 313.8
    港元         hkd 469.1 512.2 594.4 662.1
    其他货币         other currencies 185.4 201.9 219.8r 233.6
    总计         total 915.5 989.6 1110.9 1209.5
  本地机构及私人贷款及垫款       loans/advances to resident firms & individuals  355.5 335.7 330.6 335.8
居民消费物价指数 consumer price index 
  (1999年10月至2000年9月=100)     (october/1999 - september/2000=100)
  综合消费物价指数     composite consumer price index 104.5 99.49 97.52
  甲类消费物价指数     consumer price index (a) 104.1 99.56 98.15
  乙类消费物价指数     consumer price index (b) 104.2 99.42 97.36
房屋(期末值) housing (end of period balance)
  社会房屋(个)     social housing  (no.) 7420 7824 9084 9405
教育① education
  学前教育学生(人)     pre-primary education ( students)  18291 17354 14978 13638
  小学生(人)     primary education (students) 47235 48269 45474 43709
  中学生(人)     secondary education (students) 28280 31782 38156 41132
  高等教育学生(人)     higher education (students) 7409 8444 8358 8520
医疗卫生 health
  死亡登记人数(人)     registered deaths (no.) 1293 1356 1338 1327
  #死于心脏病人数(人)         deaths of heart diseases (no.) 304 292 357 291
    死于癌症人数(人)         deaths of cancers (no.) 325 335 370 401
  婴儿死亡率     infant mortality rate  5.4 6.1 2.9 4.3
 (按每千名出生登记活产婴儿计算)         (per 1000 registered live births)
社会保障 social security
  供款人数目(人)     contributors (persons) 7066 7360 8451 8919
  总发放援助次数 (万次)     number of payments granted (10 000) 10.8 13.0 16.3 17.7
  总发放金额(万澳门元)     amount of payments granted  (10 000 mop) 8998 11146 20191 22132
治安 crime
  罪案数目(宗)     number of crimes 8162 8487 8925 8905
  囚犯数目(期末值,人)     number of prisoners  (as at the end of year) 657 711 868 886
国内生产总值  gross domestic product  (gdp) 
  以不变(2002年)价格计算    at constant (1996) prices
   支出法国内生产总值实际增长率(%)       expenditure-based gdp real growth rate (%) 5.7r
  国内生产总值(亿澳门元)       gdp (100 million mop) 483.9r
    人均国内生产总值(万澳门元)       gdp per capita (10 000 mop) 11.2r
  以当年价格计算    at current prices
    支出法国内生产总值名义增长率(%)        expenditure-based gdp nominal growth rate (%) 1.1 -7.1 3.6r 0.2
   国内生产总值(亿澳门元)        gdp (100 million mop) 558.9 519.0 489.7r 498.6
    人均国内生产总值(万澳门元)        gdp per capita (10 000 mop) 13.4r 12.3r 11.4r 11.5
notes: excluded students in special education. the number of students of year n refer to the students at the end of academic year n/n+1.