附录1-1  中国香港主要统计指标概况
main social and economic indicators of hong kong special administrative region
    item 2001 2002 2003 2004
 人口及生命事件              population and vital events            
   年中人口(万人)       mid-year population (10 000 persons) 672.5 678.7 680.3 688.3
   粗出生率(‰)       crude birth rate (‰) 7.2 7.1 6.9 7.0*
   粗死亡率(‰)       crude death rate (‰) 5.0 5.0 5.4 5.3*
 劳工                        labour                                 
   劳动人口(万人)          labour force (10 000 persons) 342.7 348.8 349.6 352.9
   劳动人口参与率 (%)          labour force participation rate  (%) 61.4 61.8 61.4 61.3
   失业率(%)          unemployment rate  (%) 5.1 7.3 7.9 6.8
   就业不足率(%)          underemployment rate  (%) 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.3
   选定行业的就业人数(人)                 number of employed persons in selected 
                   industries  (person)
   (i)制造业                          (i) manufacturing                   326100
   (ii)建筑业           (ii) construction 291100
   (iii)批发、零售、进出口           (iii) wholesale, retail and import/export
         贸易、饮食及酒店业                  trades, restaurants and hotels  980100
   (iv)运输、仓库及通讯业            (iv) transport, storage and communications 353100
   (v)金融、保险、地产           (v)  financing, insurance, real     
      及商用服务业                   estate and business services    477600
   (vi)社区、社会及个人服务业           (vi) community, social and personal  services 798000
  实际工资指数(1992年9月=100)        real wage index (september 1992=100)   114.6 117.8 118.6 115.6
 对外贸易       external trade
   港产品出口(亿港元)          domestic exports(hkd 100 million) 1535 1309 1217 1260
   转口(亿港元)          re-exports (hkd 100 million) 13275 14296 16207 18931
   进口(亿港元)          imports  (hkd 100 million) 15682 16194 18058 21111
   贸易价格比率指数000=100)(13)       terms of trade index(2000=100)(13) 100.9 102.1 101.0 99.3
 工业生产                    industrial production                  
   工业生产指数(1986=100)          index of industrial production(1986=100) 98.0 86.0 78.0 81*
   工业电力耗用(万亿焦耳)          industrial electricity consumption(terajoules)  16759 16112 14851 15430
   工业煤气耗用(万亿焦耳)          industrial gas consumption (terajoules)           1011 987 1015 955
 经销贸易业、运输业、服务业   distributive trades, transport services
                        and other services                    
   增加价值(亿港元)          value added (hkd 100 million)
     批发业                              wholesale                           144 131 117
     零售业                              retail                              309 298 276
     进出口贸易业                        import/export                       2441 2490 2549
     运输及有关服务                      transport and related services      937 980 950
     仓库、通讯、财务(银行除                   storage, communications, financing            
      外) 及商用服务业             (except banking) and business services 1165 1141 1188
 土地、楼宇、建筑            land, building and construction        
   建筑工程完成名义总值           gross value of  construction work in  1140 990 925*
               (亿港元)         nominal terms (hkd 100 million)
   获批准可动工兴建                private residential flats with       
    私人居住单位(个)             consent to commence work  (number) 27274 30012 14817
   送达土地注册处登记              consideration of documents received  
    的文件涉及的价值(亿港元)                  for registration in the land registry       
               (亿港元)                       (hkd 100 million)
     楼宇及地段买卖合约                   agreements for sale and purchase of 2095
                                               building units and land           
     楼宇转让契约                         assignments of building units      2435
     地段转让契约                         assignments of land                 230
 房屋                        housing                                
   新落成房屋委员会                housing authority rental flats  newly     
    租住单位①(个)              completed (number) 33629 18800 15148
   新落成居者有其屋                home ownership scheme residential flats 
    计划的居住单位① (个)              newly completed  (number) 6620 10742 4858
 运输、通讯、旅游            transport,communications and tourism  
   进出香港货运车辆(万辆)          inward/outward movement of goods      913 976 988 975
                                       vehicle (10 000 vehicle)
   进出香港货物                    inward and outward movements of cargo
     总卸下(万公吨)                total discharged (10 000 tonnes) 13249 14210 15059 15741*
     总装上(万公吨)                total loaded  (10 000 tonnes) 8605 9265 9993 10704*
   货柜吞吐量(万标准货柜单位)       container throughput (10 000 teus)     1783 1914 2045 2198
   领牌车辆(万辆)          motor vehicles licensed  (10 000 vehicle) 53 53 52 53
   电话线(万条)          telephone lines  (10 000 lines) 393 384 382 378
   访港旅客②(万人次)          visitor arrivals  (10 000 persons) 1373 1657 1554 2128
   酒店入住率(%)          hotel room occupancy rate (%) 79 84 70 88
 政府收支、货币、金融   public accounts, money and finance      
        (亿港元)               (hkd 100 million)
   政府储备结余①       government's reserve balances 3725 3030 2753 2873**
   政府收入总额①       total government revenue           1756 1733 2073 2617**
   政府开支及       total government expenditure         
    证券投资总额①          and equity investments            2389 2434 2476 2498**
   货币供应定义三(m3)       money supply definition 3 (m3)       
     港币③            hong kong dollar                    20166 20042 21229 22195
     外币④            foreign currency               15775 15576 17352 19700
     总计            total                               35941 35619 38580 41895
   在港使用的贷款及垫款         loans and advances for use in hong kong    17901 17429 17085 17924
   港币汇率指数                 effective exchange rate indices for   104.7 104.0 100.7 98.3
       (贸易总值加权)           hong kong dollar        
       (2000年1月=100)              (trade-weighted)(january 2000=100) 
 消费物价指数                consumer price indices                 
  (1999年10月至2000年9月=100)         (oct. 1999-sept.2000 =100)   
   综合消费物价指数                composite consumer price  index            97.8 94.8 92.4 92
   甲类消费物价指数                consumer price index(a)               97.8 94.7 92.7 92.6
   乙类消费物价指数                consumer price index(b)               97.7 94.7 92.1 91.7
   丙类消费物价指数              consumer price index(c)  97.8 95.1 92.3 91.5
 教育                        education                              
   日校小学学生人数(人)           student  enrolment in primary day school  493075 483218 468792 474049*
   日校中学学生人数(人)           student  enrolment in secondary day school     456455 461289 467812 446618*
                                         & nbsp;                         (person)
   教资会资助院校学生人数(人)       student  enrolment in ugc-funded institutions  78912 85602 90355 94000*
                                         & nbsp;                   (person)
 医疗卫生                   medical and health                     
   登记死亡人数(人)           registered deaths  (person) 33305 34316 36423 37322*
   死于心脏病人数(人)           deaths from heart diseases   (person) 4703 4969 5309 5726*
   死于恶性肿瘤人数(人)           deaths from malignant neoplasms  (person) 11406 11658 11510 11728*
   婴儿死亡率(按每千名        infant mortality rate               
    登记活产婴儿计算)                 (per 1 000 registered live births) 2.7 2.4 2.3 2.5*
 社会福利                    social welfare                         
   综合社会保障援助①              comprehensive social security assistance       
     个案数目(个)                 number of cases(case) 247192 271893 290705 296688
     发放款项(亿港元)                 amount  (hkd 100 million) 161.3 144.05 173.1 176.3*
   公共福利金①                    social security allowances        
     个案数目(个)                number of cases  (case) 561208 560215 563908 567859
     发放款项  (亿港元)                amount  (hkd 100 million) 52.41 52.8 52.1 52.5*
   交通意外伤亡援助①              traffic accident victims assistance
     获批个案数目(个)                number of cases authorized for   7102 6733 7190 7360
             payment (case)   
     发放款项(万港元)                amount (hkd 10 000) 15133 14200 15110 15430*
 治安                        law and order                          
   举报罪案合计(件)          overall reported crime (case) 75877 73008 88377 81315
   暴力罪案总计(件)          total violent crime(case) 14140 13551 14542 13890
   犯罪被捕人数总计(人)          total offenders arrested (person) 39665 42051 38829 42991
 国内生产总值            gross domestic product (gdp)         
   以固定(2000年)价格计算           at constant (2000) market prices     
     支出法国内生产总值            expenditure-based gdp              
      年增长率(%)              annual growth rate (%) 0.60 2.30 3.20 8.10
     国内生产总值(亿港元)            total gdp (hkd 100 million) 12965 13237 13612 14720
     按人口平均计算的            per capita gdp (hkd)
      国内生产总值 (港元) 192793 195027 200088 213875
   以现价计算   at current market prices             
     支出法国内生产总值       expenditure-based gdp 
       年增长率(%)          annual growth rate (%) -0.7 -0.8 -2.2 5.1
     国内生产总值(亿港元)          total gdp (hkd 100 million) 12790 12598 12200 12820
   按人口平均计算的                per capita gdp (hkd)
     国内生产总值(港元) 190188 185615 179336 186267
   生产法国内生产总值(亿港元)             production-based gdp (hkd 100 million)
 国民生产总值             gross national product (gnp)  
   以现价计算的国民生产总值        gnp at current market prices         
               (亿港元)                                    (hkd 100 million) 13202 12765 12542 13123
   按人口平均计算的                per capita gnp (hkd)
      国民生产总值(港元) 196311 188076 184354 190670
   对外要素收益流动净值总计        total net external factor income     
                (亿港元)              flows  (hkd 100 million) 412 167 341 303
 国际收支平衡表   balance of payments account
   经常帐(亿港元)       current account (hkd 100 million) 958 1070 1262 1249
   资本及金融帐(亿港元)       capital and financial account (hkd 100 million) -974 -1512 -1791 -1363
   净误差及遗漏 (亿港元)       net errors and omissions  (hkd 100 million) 16 441 529 114
   整体的国际收支(亿港元)       overall balance of payments (hkd 100 million) 365 -185 76 255
      (盈余) (赤字) (盈余)
(insurplus) (indeficit) (insurplus)
 国际投资头寸    international investment position 
   国际投资头寸       net international investment
    净值 (亿港元)         position (hkd 100 million) 20680 26774 30598
   对外金融资产(亿港元)       external financial assets (hkd 100 million) 83506 80327 92023
   对外金融负债(亿港元)       external financial liabilities (hkd 100 million) 62827 53554 61425
    ④所列数字已扣除外币掉期存款。《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》说明, 港币是香港特别行政区的法定货币。
     外币指港币以外的其他货币, 因而人民币亦视作外币。
notes: figures are for the corresponding financial year. for example, figures for 1996 would represent the figures for financial year 1996/97.
       figures include arrival of non-macao residents via macao.
       figures are adjusted to include foreign currency swap deposits.
       figures are adjusted to exclude foreign currency swap deposits. hong kong dollar is the legal  tender in the hong kong special
          administrative  region, as stated in "the basic law of the hong kong special administrative region of the people's republic
          of china". foreign currency refers to any currency other than the hong kong currency. accordingly chinese renminbi is also
          treated as foreign currency.
      primary data.