18-1  企业集团主要经济指标(2003年-2004年)
main economic indicators of enterprises groups , 2003-2004
单位:万元       10000 yuan)
      item 2003 2004 2004比2003增长(%)
increase rate in 2004 ocer 2003(%)
单位数(个) number of units 239 249 4.2
年末资产总计 total assets at the year-end 19871247 22976689 15.6
固定资产原价 original value of fixed assets 7546522 8540761 13.2
累计折旧 cumulative depreciation 2211493 2619437 18.4
#本年折旧   current year depreciation 356225 368917 3.6
累计对外投资 cumulative extern investment 1813989 2114594 16.6
#本年对外投资   current year investment 225730 268216 18.8
存货 inventory 2701009 3497433 29.5
流动资产年平均余额 annual average balance of circulating funds 9897364 11390790 15.1
应收帐款合计 total receivables 1732925 1951648 12.6
年末负债合计 total liabilities at the year-end 11145846 12880514 15.6
流动负债 liquid liabilities 9518813 10654284 11.9
年末股东(所有者)权益合计 total shareholders' (creditors') equity at the year-end 7402623 8535398 15.3
股本(实收资本) capital stock (total capital hold)  4370718 5689886 30.2
主营业务收入 main business revenue 13991948 17958659 28.3
#主营业务成本 business cost 11719932 15367345 31.1
#主营业务税金及附加 taxes and extra 150610 168730 12.0
其他业务收入 other business 181467 246482 35.8
新产品销售收入 sales revenue of new products 1211247 1029947 -15.0
出口销售总值 total export 2690013 3839316 42.7
losses of stock due to drop in price and expenses on
        operation management and finance
1481573 1752414 18.3
#税金 taxes 39713 37362 -5.9
#劳动、待业保险费 expenses on labor and unemployed insurance 75371 87534 16.1
#利息支出 interest expenditure 214926 217946 1.4
投资收益 investment revenue 109863 84587 -23.0
营业外收入 nonbusiness income 33772 28255 -16.3
利润总额 total profits 780460 825192 5.7
应交所得税 income tax payable 165540 197772 19.5
应交增值税 value added tax payable 261016 283490 8.6
研究开发费用 expenditure on research and development 82619 98339 19.0
资产负债率(%) assets liability rate 56.1 56.1 0.0
营业收入利润率(%) ratio of profits to sales 5.5 4.5 -1.0
成本费用利润率(%) ratio of profits to cost 5.9 4.8 -1.1
资产利税率(%) ratio of pre-tax profits to assets 6.0 5.6 -0.4
净资产收益率(%) ratio of revenue to net assets 7.1 6.2 -0.9
总资产报酬率(%) ratio of reward to total assets 5.0 4.5 -0.5
note: the statistical scope of this table include the enterprises groups above 50000 thousand yuan of annual revenue.