15-22  公众安全主要指标
main indicators of pubic safety
   item 2000 2003 2004
交通事故损失额(万元) amout of loss of traffic accident (10000 yuan) 12832.2 14229.7 9408.8
火灾事故损失额(万元) amout of loss of fire accident (10000 yuan) 6864.9 8666.1 7508.7
交通事故死亡人数(人) death of traffic accident (person) 3855 3993 4393
火灾事故死亡人数(人) death of fire accident (person) 99 95 89
刑事案件立案数(件) register of crimiral case (piece) 156934 179376 185435
治安案件查处数(件) number of public order case investigated and beal
       with accordingly (piece)
116298 142300 157189
青少年刑事案犯比重(%) precentage of youngster criminal prisoner (%)   44.05 44.73