14-34  无线电视基本情况
basic statisticts on wireless television
项目 item 2004
本年电视节目制作(小时) produced programs of television the current year (hours) 42637
# 新闻咨讯类   news and messages 14439
   专题服务类   special servics 10924
   综艺益智类   general arts 5337
   文艺影视剧类   plays 2219
   广告类   adierticsement 4828
   其他类   others 4890
本年制作电视剧(集) produced television plays the current year (volumes) 148
平均每日播出时间(时分) average television time per-day (hours and minutes)    645:40
电视发射转播台座数(座) number of television transmiting and transmission stations (sets) 307
电视发射机数量(部) number of television transmitter (units) 500
电视发射机功率(千瓦) power of television transmitter (kw) 159.496
电视覆盖人口数(万人) population of television covered 3276.98