14-25  中等职业教育分科学生数(2004年)
number of student in specialized secondary schools by field of study, 2004
单位:人   (person)
毕业生数   招生数  #招初中 在校生数
graduates new student enrollment  junior secondury graduates student enrollment
  total 110262 154623 144589 400822
农林类 agriculture and forestry 4320 6012 5150 15035
资源与环境类 source and enviroment 915 521 519 1883
能源类 power 506 376 362 1548
土木水利工程类 construction and water conservancy engineering 2079 2690 2517 6968
加工制造类 machining and manufacture 9623 20294 19856 44764
交通运输类 transport 1200 2869 2598 6257
信息技术类 information technology 33163 37407 35127 103832
医药卫生类 health 10323 9325 8609 30975
商贸与旅游类 trad and tour 13030 17537 17308 49712
财经类 finance and economics 10368 14800 13370 36437
文化艺术与体育类 arts and physical culture 6327 9546 8342 23844
社会公共事业类 society commonality business 3884 3427 2967 10056
师范类 teacher training 2210 3427 3123 8688
其他 others 12314 26392 24741 60823
note: specialized secondary schools include secondary schools , adult secondary schools and specialized junior schools .(the same sa the following)