14-19  主要年份各类学校毕业生数
number of graduates by type of school in selected years
单位:万人 (10000 persons)
     普通高等 中等专业                   
year regular institutions of  higher  educations secondary schools regular secondary schools  senior secondary schools  vocational secondary schools  technical schools  primary schools 
1952 0.09 0.20 1.75 0.33                   3.90
1957 0.08 0.37 3.85 0.97                   9.05
1962 0.46 0.94 5.29 1.48 0.15          11.89
1965 0.43 0.38 5.38 1.24 0.16 0.01 15.34
1970 0.47          1.48 0.28                   46.66
1975 0.21 0.34 22.20 7.75                   44.03
1978 0.35 0.19 46.16 12.54 0.14          47.62
1979 0.08 0.61 51.52 17.90 0.02 0.05 43.29
1980 0.90 1.49 14.33 13.63 0.03 0.30 44.37
1981 1.56 1.64 40.40 16.30 0.09 0.47 47.29
1982 1.16 1.60 25.06 3.54 0.05 0.78 48.07
1983 0.73 1.35 27.15 7.84 1.07 0.72 50.82
1984 0.76 1.06 23.41 4.55 0.92 0.48 51.97
1985 0.79 1.01 24.65 4.48 1.23 0.60 55.43
1986 0.94 1.34 27.95 5.45 1.39 0.68 58.66
1987 1.44 1.77 28.70 6.47 2.19 0.81 59.11
1988 1.68 1.74 30.01 6.51 2.46 0.75 51.60
1989 1.73 1.69 28.59 6.22 2.30 0.80 49.52
1990 1.79 1.64 27.11 5.45 2.32 1.05 53.33
1991 1.80 1.93 25.16 4.57 2.41 1.11 51.52
1992 1.73 1.83 28.21 4.78 2.53 0.98 51.53
1993 1.65 1.89 32.90 5.37 2.80 1.07 51.05
1994 1.69 1.87 34.43 5.68 3.08 1.12 56.06
1995 2.04 2.25 38.43 5.57 4.09 1.49 62.56
1996 2.23 2.61 40.51 4.94 5.32 1.73 64.67
1997 2.14 3.02 47.25 4.95 5.28 1.70 67.57
1998 2.15 3.29 58.75 5.60 5.86 1.64 68.63
1999 2.07 3.21 64.24 6.40 5.29 1.55 69.59
2000 2.19 3.31 69.04 7.84 5.79 1.59 68.64
2001 2.84 2.60 69.65 9.37 5.72 1.41 67.44
2002 3.68 3.78 71.72 11.58 5.31 1.51 64.77
2003 4.78 11.12 73.33 13.95 0.01 1.68 66.97
2004 5.28 11.03 75.03 15.92     1.86 62.58
note: since 2003, the data of secondary schools include the vocational secondary schools, the number of vocational secondary schools are the data of junior schools.