13-25  国内旅游人数及旅游收入(1999-2004年)
number of domestic tourists and earnings, 1999-2004
       item 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
total number of domestic
 tourist10000 person-times
2513 2942 3322 3931 3711 4643
    住宿设施接待人数       in hotel 1877 2010 1940 2045 1700 3024
    居民家庭接待人数       in household 183 262 277 291 297 276
    一日游游客人数         for one day 453 670 1105 1595 1714 1343
二、国内旅游收入(亿元) domestic tourism receipts
   (100 million yuan )
190 231 267.7 333.3 311.5 462.6
    外省游客消费           consumption of tourists
   from other provinces
101 144 167.8 186.8 152 236
    本省多日游游客消费     consumption of tourists 
   inside the province
82 77 83.3 113 116 190.1
    一日游游客消费         consumption of tourists
   for one day
7 10 16.58 33.5 43.5 36.5