13-7  按类章分进出口总额
value of exports and imports by category
单位:万美元       (usd 10000)
          item 2003 2004
exports imports exports imports
一、初级产品 primary goods             137025 167792 197121 277535
    食品及活动物   food and live animals                         124585 25377 172696 36307
      活动物     live animals                       284 38 222 126
      肉及肉制品     meat and meat products                       3910 963 5102 178
      乳品及蛋品     dairy products and eggs               593 570 607 488
    fish, shellfish, mollusks and other
           aquatic invertebrates    
53110 1893 83653 3461
      谷物及其制品     cereals and products                       889 484 967 745
      蔬菜及水果     vegetable and fruits               52323 1160 64801 2521
      糖、糖制品及蜂蜜     sugar ,sugar products and honey               1884 163 3192 175
    coffee, tea, coca, spices and their products    5358 189 6378 231
      饲料(不包括未碾磨谷物)     forage             1397 18454 1199 26514
      杂项食品     others                           4837 1464 6577 1870
    饮料及烟类   beverages and tobacco                           1846 212 1541 178
      饮料     beverages                  390 89 479 149
      烟草及其制品     tobacco and tobacco products                     1456 123 1062 29
    非食用原料(燃料除外)   non-edible raw materials       9976 115410 13742 189928
      生皮及生毛皮     raw hides and furs               9 820 27 4031
      油籽及含油果实     oil seeds and kernels                65 23866 15 48827
      生橡胶 (包括合成橡胶
    raw rubber    54 14545 39 18711
      软木及木材     cork and wood                         1623 11509 2357 12495
      纸浆及废纸     paper pulp and  waster paper                    79 15897 12 23741
    textile fiber and related scrap
           (excluding fleece)     
145 6746 848 7897
    natural fertilizers and mineral
           (excluding coal, petroleum and germ)
6041 30013 7833 42602
      金属矿砂及金属废料     metals ore and scrap      21 10414 87 30384
      其他动、植物原料     other animal and vegetable raw materials               1939 1599 2523 1239
    矿物燃料、润滑油及有关原料   mineral fuels, lubrication oil and 
          related materials 
576 21144 9119 41174
      煤、焦炭及煤砖     coal, coke and briquette                     3 2010 3 9205
      石油、石油产品及有关原料     petroleum, petroleum products and
           related materials    
573 14424 9117 28010
      天然气及人造气     natural gas and man-made gas                       4710   3958
    动植物油、脂及蜡   animal and vegetable oil ,fats and wax       42 5649 23 9949
      动物油、脂     animal oil and fats    320 4 487
      植物油、脂     vegetable oils and fats                 34 5170 19 9234
    processed animal and vegetable oils,
           fats and wax    
7 159   227
二、工业制品 industry goods                        1976147 1251587 2698093 1535693
    化学成品及有关产品   chemicals and related  products                  43116 192820 58303 285088
      有机化学品     organic chemicals                     8572 67412 9857 105020
      无机化学品          inorganic chemicals  9729 2590 14407 3788
      染料、鞣料及着色料     dyestuff , tanning extracts and dye materials        416 12338 721 12647
      医药品     medicines                       7354 1615 8916 1375
      精油、香料及盥洗、光洁制品    essential oils, perfumed materials and cosmetics       6667 1223 9345 1479
      制成废料    waste products           78 833 389 1243
      初级形状的塑料     plastics of primary pattern                   1567 79348 3283 122533
      非初级形状的塑料     plastics of non primary pattern                 3004 14307 5414 20615
      其他化学原料及产品     other chemical raw and products               5728 13154 5973 16389
    按原料分类的制成品   products by raw material 295098 257831 385458 265038
      皮革、皮革制品及已鞣毛皮     leather, leather products and tanned hides  4770 28305 6103 28263
      橡胶制品     rubber products                           14522 5923 22808 6005
      软木及木制品(家具除外)     cork and wooden products (excluding furniture)                          28554 2169 36699 1681
    paper and paperboard, articles of paper pulp
            or paper and paperboard products      
12245 15951 14106 17285
    spin textile products and related products 51055 61038 65053 60073
      非金属矿物制品     non metal minerals products            119862 25300 146429 29277
      钢铁     steel 5411 76541 11659 71239
      有色金属     non-ferrous metal  6461 26954 15722 34119
      金属制品     metal products 52218 15648 66880 17097
    机械及运输设备   machinery and transport equipments         753750 627776 1081087 721422
      动力机械及设备     power machinery and equipments      19422 17651 34769 33963
      特种工业专用机械     special industry equipment         6760 71092 8770 75253
      金工机械     metal working  machinery          1537 12733 2649 14246
      通用工业机械设备及零件     ordinary industry machinery and parts        46522 43919 65902 52450
    clerical machinery and automatic data
             processing equipments      
369135 108826 536740 141842
      电信及声音的录制及重放装置设备     telecommunications and sound record
            and replay equipment
89259 60575 141352 63645
      电力机械、器具及其电气零件     power machinery and parts         152788 240774 194454 282601
      陆路车辆(包括气垫式)     land vehicles(include hovercraft)               30272 27230 50464 23375
      其他运输设备     other transportation equipment   38057 44977 45988 34047
    杂项制品   miscellaneous manufactured articles     883821 164467 1172482 252457
      活动房屋;卫生 水道 供热
    movable room, sanitary equipment, supply
            of hot and lighting apparatus 
6830 358 10079 288
    furniture and related parts     60863 759 79216 1047
      旅行用品、手提包及类似品     tour goods, handbags and related products       44766 192 63428 296
      服装及衣着附件     garments and related parts                     237938 2091 356647 1824
      鞋靴     footwears         231985 6630 280044 8077
      专业、科学及控制用仪器和装置     special, scientific and controlled instruments
            and equipment     
13367 118497 21243 197616
      摄影器材、光学物品及钟表     photographic, optical instruments and clocks           67567 18392 92920 24703
      杂项制品     other miscellaneous manufactured articles                           220505 17549 268905 18607
    未分类的商品   unclassified goods                         362 8693 764 11687