12-6  亿元以上商品交易市场成交情况(2004年)
statistics on commodity markets with trade over 100 million yuan, 2004
    item #零售额
    number of stalls
volume of trade
(10000 yuan)
retail sale
市场摊位容量 stall capacity of market 42789
已出租摊位数 number of rented stall 36970 4946244 1680961
  食品、饮料、烟酒类   food, beverage and tobacco 22740 2498624 835583
  #粮油果菜类     grain, oil, fruit and vegetable 9395 1050124 269644
  服装鞋帽针纺织品类   garment, shoes, hats, knitted goods
         and textiles
6921 487720 212660
  化妆品类   cosmetics 152 11855 6323
  日用品类   articles for daily use 628 36810 18546
  五金电料类   hardware,electric products 418 15380 5469
  体育娱乐用品类   sports and recreational articles 20 451 48
  书报杂志类   books and newspapers 6 34 18
  电子出版物及音像制品类  e-journals and video products 15 211 80
  家用电器和音响器材类   household electric appliances,  sound
        and  photo appliances
900 170138 118990
  中西药品类 traditional chinese and western medicines 91 3319 2418
  #中草药及中成药类   chinese herbal medicine and medium
53 1253 1045
  文化办公用品类   articles for culture and office use 188 29412 14858
  家俱类   furniture 98 8198 5549
  木材及制品类   timber and timber products 624 88731 19066
  化工材料及制品类   chemical materials and chemical material
55 12892 9271
  金属材料及制品类   metal materials and metal material
151 494883 370
  建筑及装潢材料类   building and decoration materials 2114 586118 248799
  机电材料及设备类   machinery and electronic materials
         and equipment
370 178563 142970
  #汽车类 vehicles 273 160598 135638
  其他类    others 1479 322905 39943