10-11  竣工房屋建筑面积
floor space of completed building
          project   2003 2004
    total   2952 3587
  房、仓库 factory building       574 803
         residential building 1713 1972
办公用房     building for office 223 249
批发和零售用房 culture and education 37 37
住宿和餐饮用房 building for medical 39 46
居民服务业用房 building for scientific research 67 74
教育用房 building for education 150 192
文化、体育和娱乐用房 building for culture, sports and enterainment 27 44
卫生医疗用房 building for medical 27 33
科研用房 building for scientific research 9 11
  others       89 126