10-1  主要年份建筑企业基本情况
basic indicators of construction enrerprises in selected years
  #国有经济     #集体经济
year         中央部属 地方所属      
total  state-owned central local collective-owned
number of enterprises (unit)  
1980 241 34          34 207
1985 956 51 7 44 278
1990 1009 49 6 43 308
1995 1376 170 42 128 552
1996 1576 202 45 157 1051
1997 1585 236 48 188 1056
1998 1707 263 65 198 1133
1999 1849 295 74 221 1069
2000 1846 283 73 210 976
2001 1708 237 45 192 787
2002 1672 224 49 175 465
2003 1606 138 14 124 326
2004 1782 141 19 122 266
number of persons employed (10000 persons)  
1980 15.15 7.11          7.11 8.04
1985 30.62 9.12 1.98 7.14 11.18
1990 30.98 8.24 1.75 6.49 11.51
1995 46.90 15.24 4.28 10.96 20.36
1996 47.15 15.43 4.45 10.98 27.11
1997 47.36 17.44 5.44 12.00 22.46
1998 47.93 13.96 5.11 8.85 28.65
1999 47.28 13.53 3.94 9.59 23.54
2000 41.37 13.46 3.59 9.87 19.99
2001 44.09 12.49 2.98 9.51 19.12
2002 49.34 12.42 2.94 9.48 16.09
2003 59.99 10.48 1.88 8.61 15.15
2004 58.45 9.37 2.17 7.20 9.66
gross output value (100 million yuan)  
1980 4.93 2.30          2.30 2.63
1985 16.66 6.80 1.88 4.92 5.87
1990 32.54 13.36 3.44 9.92 11.30
1995 190.85 97.53 35.99 61.54 62.56
1996 211.88 106.21 37.27 68.94 84.94
1997 227.00 107.49 37.31 70.18 84.42
1998 244.67 115.66 40.87 74.79 95.61
1999 251.17 123.73 45.92 77.81 90.74
2000 271.15 131.82 49.90 81.92 89.53
2001 369.06 139.51 41.66 97.85 129.47
2002 408.81 149.02 45.26 103.76 102.91
2003 557.31 158.37 39.86 118.51 107.40
2004 679.35 181.08 54.09 126.98 91.05
note: in this table,the data in 1996 and before include the individual construction team in rural , the data since 1997 to 2002 include the construction enterprises over town and town level, from 2003 the statistical coverage include the construction enterprises with new grade .