9-10  国有控股工业企业主要经济指标(2004年)
main financial indicators of industrial enterprise stock controlled by state, 2004
单位:万元       (10000 yuan)
  item         固定资产 固定资产 流动资产 产品销售        
单位数                             本年应交
(个) 总产值 增加值   年 末 数 年 末 数 年 末 数             所得税 增 值 税
number of enterprises (unit) gross industrial output value value added of industry   total assets year-ended original value of fixed assets  year-ended net value of fixed assets year-ended of circulating funds sale revenue total profit  total profits
and tax 
income tax payable value added tax payable in current year
          total                   901 13297309 3998601 17517549 13399434 8651564 6391261 13154886 648378 1672310 193507 572410
一、按隶属关系分  grouped by subordination
    中央企业               central enterprises  41 3398901 1158575 4816798 4373996 2975605 1183792 3442760 139590 646911 47771 186236
    地方企业          local enterprises  860 9898408 2840026 12700751 9025437 5675958 5207470 9712127 508788 1025399 145737 386175
二、按轻重分       grouped by light &heavy industry
    轻工业      light industry  369 3221376 1366168 4365084 3066803 1962513 1779507 3191290 189260 719646 64570 178360
      以农产品为原料        using farm products as raw materials 224 1897731 956819 2457882 1792446 1085601 1027305 1935385 167982 676224 59278 158426
      以非农产品为原料           using non-farm products as raw
145 1323645 409349 1907202 1274358 876912 752202 1255905 21278 43422 5292 19935
    重工业                   heavy industry           532 10075932 2632434 13152465 10332630 6689051 4611754 9963596 459118 952664 128937 394050
      采掘工业      mining and quarrying   52 273433 195782 340294 174917 114828 175008 268450 50989 82517 13114 26429
      原料工业      raw materials industry  273 7274806 1844111 9960498 9186762 5973978 2485756 7244421 335329 728496 100036 311711
      加工工业          manufacturing industry  207 2527693 592541 2851673 970952 600246 1950990 2450725 72801 141651 15788 55911
三、按规模分 grouped by size of enterprises
    大型企业      large scale  19 6520871 1383233 7151696 5177834 3487243 2561266 6476025 205753 500725 60935 208631
    中型企业         medium scale  152 5179446 2003722 7232525 5694443 3462544 2773536 5140755 387599 1014232 109783 276386
    小型企业       small scale 730 1596992 611646 3133328 2527158 1701777 1056459 1538107 55026 157353 22789 87394
四、按行业分 grouped by sector
    煤炭开采和洗选业   coal mining and dressing 23 168896 117669 215872 114174 77900 106967 168818 16288 35475 2282 16400
    石油和天然气开采业   petroleum and natural gas mining
    黑色金属矿采选业   ferrous metals  mining and dressing 8 54890 45571 70784 31595 20527 37278 51004 22800 29844 6709 5897
    有色金属矿采选业   nonferrous metals mining and dressing 7 14179 7439 13645 6737 2601 8632 13389 3016 3730 959 629
    非金属矿采选业   nonmetal minerals mining and dressing 23 46779 35695 61009 40021 27396 28054 47128 8967 16289 3520 5438
    其他采矿业   others mining and quarrying
    农副食品加工业   agricultural and sideline products processing 56 139274 24526 119949 83937 42407 52986 143151 762 2694 93 1555
    食品制造业   food manufacturing 28 80651 25401 103573 60739 40885 48327 80836 -904 3632 345 3549
    饮料制造业   beverage manufacturing 29 258898 126255 327212 305288 185853 92955 258480 28653 84645 9525 23880
    烟草制品业   tobacco processing 5 782018 587939 733833 379585 245637 410822 825961 117069 527048 41459 97140
    纺织业   textile industry 11 94503 24637 134995 84028 47799 70231 90711 2294 4423 535 1913
  纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业 textile garments , shoes and caps products 13 39396 23940 43164 17552 11220 26385 35020 4496 7152 89 2237
leather , furs , down and relate products 3 18623 6415 17266 7748 4333 11007 18343 780 2079 15 1219
timber processing , bamboo , cane , palm
         fiber and straw products
10 90151 24315 184878 132969 79334 40218 86436 6347 11491 256 4100
  家具制造业 furniture manufacturing 3 3339 1126 1985 1752 945 1164 3098 17 181 3 159
  造纸及纸制品业 papermaking and paper products 24 370643 76894 797877 733654 432418 235238 374435 -5553 16673 1098 20203
  印刷业和记录媒介的复制 printing and record medium reproduction 56 76298 41037 95625 78011 47610 37313 72971 6449 11405 1505 4477
  文教体育用品制造业 cultural , educational and sports goods 2 1594 326 3956 287 34 3920 1906 -165 3 4 153
petroleum processing , coking and nuclear
        fuel processing
4 1031975 166983 434890 455895 191215 226691 1032005 33043 105457 12370 20184
  化学原料及化学制品制造业 raw chemical materials and chemical products 46 477203 116876 634063 498686 313510 246153 487936 9891 35081 4937 21655
  医药制造业 medical and pharmaceutical products 16 109848 53580 214332 103090 68284 108012 106270 18252 25173 5730 6290
  化学纤维制造业 chemical fiber 2 70530 15641 86038 118352 60423 20517 65095 106 2656 10 2251
  橡胶制品业 rubber products 2 2328 761 3138 2352 1601 1446 2354 -31 134 161
  塑料制品业 plastic products 21 41624 12388 41713 31174 18278 21617 40858 2575 4011 327 1390
  非金属矿物制品业 nonmetal minerals products 63 278985 102975 392947 307241 188809 142640 260474 16319 37899 4270 19020
  黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业 smelting and pressing of ferrous metals 8 852258 208899 728578 415151 316471 285731 861033 74507 126250 24667 47772
  有色金属冶炼及压延加工业 smelting and pressing of nonferrous metals 11 500140 136584 746484 326653 239598 292638 498318 83513 90698 16967 5936
  金属制品业 metal products 4 7253 3457 6480 3466 1836 4557 5961 -342 21 13 325
  通用设备制造业 general equipment 35 177112 59178 265109 105014 61311 166083 172060 13198 21866 3361 7736
  专用设备制造业 special purpose equipment 31 444514 88124 412810 136309 90159 266966 414955 15944 26517 3580 9570
  交通运输设备制造业 transport equipment 44 692124 147973 735601 187973 129898 538195 605455 13935 30200 2216 9515
  电气机械及器材制造业 electric equipment and machinery 21 221185 49967 319906 108567 64554 194211 250496 10367 16592 776 5307
telecommunications , computer , and other
        electronic equipment
27 1802103 443702 1449467 347032 228332 1118956 1764004 26724 45773 4420 16991
instruments , meters , cultural and clerical
14 25608 15697 38526 13326 8188 26436 23270 5232 6628 791 1223
  工艺品及其他制造业 handicraft article and other manufacturing 4 2022 660 2690 486 366 2441 2032 -17 35 48
  废弃资源和废旧材料回收加工业 waste resources and materials recovering 3 2030 1464 1155 158 105 1042 2029 43 136 85
  电力、热力的生产和供应业 production and supply of electric power and
        hot power
159 4145577 1109083 6961533 7152787 4671712 1325092 4122769 116805 334250 37080 199920
  燃气生产和供应业 production and supply of gas 5 24824 -1060 81961 82414 59402 8198 23722 -6519 -6304 98 179
  水的生产和供应业 production and supply of water 80 147934 96485 1034508 925233 670615 182143 142103 3518 12477 3500 7906