8-17  农林牧渔业分项产值
gross output value of farming,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery by item
单位:万元 (100 million yuan)
    item 2003 2004 2004比2003
increase rate in 2004 over 2003(%)
农林牧渔业总产值 total 11507901 13172840 14.5
一、农业产值 agriculture 4667549 5258044 12.7
  谷物及其他作物   cereal and others 1474987 1848549 25.3
    谷物     cereal 774824 1142177 47.4
    薯类     sweet potato 292960 287494 -1.9
    油料     oil-bearing crops 83122 99250 19.4
    豆类     bean 62525 59614 -4.7
    棉花     cotton 102 15 -85.7
    麻类     fiber crops 212 234 10.6
    糖料     sugar 37125 25046 -32.5
    烟叶     tobacco 99202 117174 18.1
    其他农作物     other crops 124915 117546 -5.9
  蔬菜、园艺作物   vegetable and gardening crops 2020158 2184773 8.1
    蔬菜(含菜用瓜)     vegetable ( include melon ) 1828982 1954822 6.9
      作物蔬菜       vegetable crops 1303376 1389712 6.6
      食用菌       edible fungus 525606 565110 7.5
    花卉     flower 191176 229951 20.3
  水果、饮料和香料作物   fruit , drink and perfume crops 1121118 1185428 5.7
    水果(含果用瓜)     fruit ( include melon ) 871576 872536 0.1
      园林水果       gardening fruit 798882 805320 0.8
      果用瓜类       fruited melon 72694 67216 -7.5
    茶叶     tea 241586 302595 25.3
    香料作物     perfume crops 7956 10296 29.4
  中药材   traditional chinese medicine materials 51286 39295 -23.4
二、林业产值 forestry 792530 861804 8.7
  林木的培育和种植   breeding and planting of forest 30373 40595 33.7
  竹木采运   cutting and transport of bamboo and trees 474455 510822 7.7
  #村及村以下     rural and under rural 322939 328202 1.6
  林产品   forest products 287702 310386 7.9
三、牧业产值 animal husbandry 2373367 2916928 22.9
  牲畜饲养   livestock raising 157258 177240 12.7
    牛的饲养     cow raising 40832 63038 54.4
    羊的饲养     sheep raising 44725 57370 28.3
    奶类     dairy 71701 56831 -20.7
    #牛奶       milk 69300 53918 -22.2
  猪的饲养     hogs raising 1498995 1920870 28.1
  家禽饲养     poultry raising 653426 741639 13.5
  #肉禽       meat poultry 413297 449243 8.7
    禽蛋       poultry eggs 240129 292397 21.8
  狩猎和捕捉动物     hunting animals 12831 11555 -9.9
  其他畜禽产品     other poultry products 50857 65625 29.0
四、渔业产品 fishery 3518532 3975363 13.0
  海水产品   seawater products 2642739 2985359 13.0
  内陆水域水产品   freshwate products 875793 990003 13.0
五、农林牧渔服务业 services of agriculture , forestry , animal
         husbandry and fishery
155923 160701 3.1