5-27  平均每百户农民家庭主要生产用固定资产拥有量
ownership of major fixed assets for production per 100 rural households
单位:元         (yuan)
     item 2000 2002 2003 2004
年末生产用固定资产原值 original value of productive fixed assets at year-end 442779 461574 483247 651242
  农业   agriculture 209553 206586 225862 388271
  #房屋及建筑物     house and building 109873 107583 120924 243441
    役畜、产品畜     draught animals and commodity animals 26834 28235 36187 36088
    大中型铁木农具     large and medium iron-wooden farm machinery 17893 17887 21221 17758
    农林牧渔业机械     farming,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery machinery 30920 43481 45424 77020
  工业   industry 90031 105016 95968 78795
  #房屋及建筑物     house and building 31788 40286 29154 17739
    生产设备     productive instruments 52923 63115 51780 42698
  建筑业   construction 5187 21978 23398 13946
  交通运输业   transport and post 61690 70046 78173 84445
  批发和零售贸易餐饮业   wholesale,retail trade and catering services 15058 24599 27107 43648
  社会服务业   social services 13841 15253 15962 27241
  文教卫生事业   culture,education and health care 5681 6907 6691 7543
  其他   others 41738 11190 10086 7353