5-16   城镇居民人均日常消费品购买量
per capita purchases of daily consumer goods of urban residents
单位:千克 (kg)
项目 item 2003 2004 项目 item 2003 2004
粮食 grain 93.50 87.58 酒类 liquor 11.51 8.28
油脂类 oil and fat 9.49 9.77 茶叶 tea 0.52 0.38
猪肉 pork 28.70 28.17 鲜果 fresh fruits 40.17 39.48
牛肉 beef 2.06 2.21 鲜瓜 fresh melons 11.41 8.15
羊肉 mutton 0.62 0.67 糕点 cake 4.28 4.18
肉制品 meat products 3.22 3.03 鲜乳品 fresh dairy products 19.52 17.46
禽类 poultry 12.03 10.46 服装(件) clothing (piece) 7.78 7.13
鲜蛋 fresh eggs 10.85 10.25 鞋类(双) shoes (pair) 2.13 1.97
fish 17.13 17.09 煤炭 coal 44.40 29.47
shrimp 2.95 2.79 液化石油气 liquefied petroleum 37.55 38.60
鲜菜 fresh vegetables 106.93 103.08 管道煤气 gas dupplied through  11.82 11.14
干菜  dried vegetables 0.96 0.96   (立方米)   pipes(cu.m)