5-13  城镇居民人均现金收支情况
cash income and expenditure per capita in urban areas
单位:元 (yuan)
    item 2003 2004
一、期初手存现金 cash on hand at the beginning 835.20 899.07
二、人均总收入 total income 10816.32 12117.93
    #可支配收入 disposable income 9999.54 11175.37
   (一)工薪收入   wages and salaries 7499.01 7996.08
      ⒈工资及补贴收入     wages and subsidies 7244.00 7657.88
      ⒉其他劳动收入     other income 255.00 338.20
   (二)经营净收入   net income from business 547.79 729.86
   (三)财产性收入   property income 285.75 347.97
         #利息收入     interest 37.51 30.68
          股息与红利收入     dividend 68.31 76.27
          出租房屋收入     renting house 169.13 230.77
          知识产权收入     intellective property right
   (四)转移性收入   transfer income 2483.78 3044.02
         #养老金或离退休金     annuity and pension 1592.51 2082.81
          社会救济收入     social relief   8.54 7.84
          辞退金     pension for resign persons 127.36 149.42
          赔偿收入     compensation 1.56
          保险收入     insurance 72.64 52.04
          赡养收入     supporting 115.62 200.92
          捐赠收入     donation 317.18 318.33
          提取住房公积金     accumulation fund of houses 59.96 50.82
三、出售财物收入 income from properties sales 6.53 53.59
    #出售住房收入   houses sales 2.89 52.37
四、借贷收入 loan income 3941.68 4662.61
    #提取储蓄存款    withdrawing saving deposit 3462.76 4119.42
     收回储蓄性保险本金     withdrawing cropus of saving deposit 22.58 7.74
     兑售有价证券     securities sales 27.70 58.67
     住房贷款     loans for houses 133.74 66.47
     汽车贷款     loans for cars 23.00
     教育贷款     loans for education 4.33
五、人均总支出 total expenditure 9879.25 10858.22
  (一)消费支出   expenditure on consumption 7356.26 8161.15
        #服务性消费支出     expenditure on services consumption   1773.59 2151.37
  (二)购房与建房支出   expenditure on houses purchasing and building 621.06 651.93
        #购房     purchasing  house 606.25 621.91
  (三)转移性支出   expenditure for transfer 1179.85 1221.76
        #交纳的个人收入税     personal income tax 47.52 77.94
         捐赠支出     donation 720.32 752.64
         购买彩票     buying lottery 16.57 7.63
         赡养支出     supporting expenditure 357.12 331.21
          #在外就学子女费用     expenditure on children's education out of home  183.07 154.52
  (四)财产性支出   expenditure for property 15.17 15.75
  (五)社会保障支出   expenditure for welfare 706.91 807.62
    #个人交纳的养老基金     annuity of personal distribution 255.92 264.39
     个人交纳的住房公积金     house accumulation fund of persnal distribution 322.84 388.34
     个人交纳的医疗基金     medical benefits fund of personal distribution 100.37 122.84
     个人交纳的失业基金     unemployed fund of personal distribution 23.14 23.85
六、借贷支出 loan expenditure 4772.37 5501.15
    #存入储蓄款   saving deposit 4102.53 4605.63
     储蓄性保险支出   saving premium 122.41 138.51
     购买有价证券   purchase securities 39.62 128.84
     归还住房贷款   paid-back the bank for buying housing 237.19 250.10
     归还汽车贷款   paid-back the bank for buying car 1.14 16.19
     归还教育贷款   paid-back the bank for education 0.18 0.04
七、期末手存现金 cash on hand at the end 954.70 946.55