5-1  城镇单位从业人员劳动报酬(2004年)
payment of employed persons in urban units ,2004
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
                               item 单位从业人

在岗职工 其他从业人
工资总额 员劳动报
payment of employed persons total wages of staff and workers on the job payment of other employed persons
      total 5793364 5598454 194910
按企事业机关分 grouped by enterprises, institutions agencies
  企业   enterprises 4086831 3913670 173162
  事业   institutions 1178357 1160799 17558
  机关   agencies 528176 523985 4191
按国民经济行业分 by sector
  农、林、牧、渔业   farming, forestry, animal husbandy and fishery 66019 62773 3245
  采矿业   mining and quarrying 53185 52410 775
  制造业   manufacturing 2417930 2334316 83613
  production and supply of electricity gas
        and water
185898 182536 3361
  建筑业   construction 369480 347780 21700
  交通运输、仓储和邮政业   transport, storage and post services 297639 287638 10001
  information transmission, computer software
         and services
116157 104543 11614
  批发和零售业   wholesale and retail trade 171814 163717 8097
  住宿和餐饮业   lodgings and catering services 54369 51931 2438
  金融业   finance 265210 248400 16811
  房地产业   real estate 76600 69617 6982
  租赁和商务服务业   rent and business services 65661 63129 2533
  scientific reseach, ploytechnic services and
        geological prospecting
80632 77617 3016
  water conservancy, environment and public
         facilities management
50139 48591 1549
  居民服务和其他服务业   resident services and others 19808 19196 611
  教育   education 699675 692529 7146
  卫生、社会保障和社会福利业   health care, social ensure and walfare 218412 213013 5399
  文化、体育和娱乐业   culture, sports and entertainment 58993 57270 1722
  公共管理和社会组织   public management and social organizations 525745 521447 4297
按三次产业分 by type of industry
  第一产业   primary industry 66019 62773 3245
  第二产业   secondary industry 3026492 2917043 109449
  第三产业   tertiary industry 2700854 2618638 82216
注:本表国民经济行业分类标准采用gb/t 4754-2002。
note: the classified standards of national ecomonic sector are adopted gb/t 4754-2002.