4-24  房地产投资完成情况
completion of real estate investment
     item 2000 2002 2003 2004
完成投资额(万元)         investment of completed    2073691 2489869 3620657 4777941
  按经济类型分               by ownership       
    国有经济                   state-owned        475254 448047 641368 685594
    集体经济                   collective-owned     139303 204018 292139 267159
    其他经济                   others    1459134 1837804 2687150 3825188
  按构成分                   by use of funds           
  #建筑工程                 construction   1401960 1727169 2438695 3207033
    安装工程                 installation  77820 101960 151746 162234
    设备工器具购置           purchase of equitment
     and instruments
39495 23997 26659 26028
  按工程用途分               by use of project          
    商业营业用房             house for busines use  299123 298477 382660 439281
    住宅                 residential building  1250655 1607802 2376658 3084475
    办公楼                 office buildings    152004 99895 106394 91476
    其他                 others    371909 483695 754945 1162709
  按隶属关系分               by administrative relationship  
    中央                       cental government   7188 19431 14621 20951
    地方                       local project   2066503 2470438 3606036 4756990
新增固定资产(万元)       newly increase fixed assets    1576166 1954717 2090111 2211868
施工面积(万平方米)       floor space under construction   3422.88 4114.64 4891.04 5795.69
#住宅                 residential buildings 2388.39 3079.98 1571.39 4566.92
本年竣工面积(万平方米)             floor space completed this year   1009.36 1323.49 1362.95 1523.91
#住宅               residential buildings 771.81 1011.33 1074.29 1260.55
土地开发投资额(万元)     investment of land development 202448 167205 332255 212003
土地购置费(万元)       purchase of land   343168 417205 707419 1034001
土地开发面积(万平方米) land space under development 585.74 736.45 1019.81 632.36
商品房屋销售额(万元)   sales of commercial houses   1689647 2252829 2871627 3544719
#住宅(万元)       residential buildings     1193865 1539548 2224564 2812572