4-3  分行业全社会固定资产投资(2004年)
total investment in fixed assets by sector,2004
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
                    sector 合计        
基本建设 更新改造 房地产 其他投资
total apital construction innovation escate others
    total 18990974 5816745 2821811 4777941 5574477
  农、林、牧、渔业   farming, forestry, animal husbandy
       and fishery
443809 35859 6924 401026
  采矿业   mining and quarrying 126700 24686 28668 73346
  制造业   manufacturing 4921756 1152495 1529164 2240097
  production and supply of electricity
       gas and water
1845232 1061544 263147 520541
  建筑业   construction 340192 50168 13830 276194
  交通运输、仓储和邮政业   transport, storage and post services 2152224 1443585 261789 446850
  information transmission, computer software and services 766408 57699 672066 36643
  批发和零售业   wholesale and retail trade 163715 95917 6121 61677
  住宿和餐饮业   lodgings and catering services 129980 58047 5013 66920
  金融业   finance 22054 3452 18602
  房地产业   real estate 5607718 30965 200 4777941 798612
  租赁和商务服务业   rent and business services 136601 110575 7199 18827
  scientific reseach, ploytechnic services
       and geological prospecting
35144 23665 1034 10445
  water conservancy, environment and
       public facilities management
872699 711747 11709 149243
  居民服务和其他服务业   resident services and others 101904 6729 95175
  教育   education 580678 451339 50 129289
  health care, social ensure and walfare 122879 69041 9449 44389
  文化、体育和娱乐业   culture, sports and entertainment 137780 83621 2679 51480
  公共管理和社会组织   public management and social
483500 345611 2769 135120
  国际组织   intenational organzition
按三次产业分 by type of industry
  第一产业                       primary industry   443809 35859 6924 401026
  第二产业                       secondary industry     6893688 2238725 1820979 2833984
  第三产业                       tertiary industry      11653476 3542161 993908 4777941 2339466
注:本表国民经济行业分类标准采用gb/t 4754-2002。
note: the classified standards of national ecomonic sector are adopted gb/t 4754-2002.