3-13  按城乡分全社会从业人员(年底数)
total employment in urban and rural areas, end of year
单位:万人     (10000 persons)
     item 2000 2002 2003 2004
                 total              1660.19 1711.32 1756.71 1814.03
  城镇                 urban             416.07 436.79 473.03 506.00
  #国有单位             state-owned units    170.82 154.39 152.54 151.28
    集体单位             collective-owned units     34.18 27.78 24.44 22.03
    股份合作单位         cooperative units    3.64 4.16 4.50 5.15
    联营单位             ownership units         3.35 4.09 3.84 3.51
    有限责任公司         limited liability corporations     12.07 17.79 23.12 30.59
    股份有限公司         share-holding corporations ltd.     9.32 9.03 11.52 12.22
    私营企业             private enterprises   44.45 60.71 75.45 75.42
    港澳台商投资单位     units with funds from hong kong,
    macao and taiwan
51.51 68.10 76.68 90.80
    外商投资单位         foreign funded units     40.26 36.97 45.15 58.16
    个体                 self-employed individuals      45.74 50.64 52.95 52.90
  乡村                 rural               1244.12 1274.53 1283.68 1311.52
  #私营企业             private enterprises         23.51 24.19 31.00 35.89
    个体                 self-employed individuals             48.17 43.64 39.45 32.95