2-16  主要年份居民消费水平
consumpion of households in seleced years
年份 全体居民     城乡居民 全体居民消费水平指数
消费水平   非农业 消费水平对比 index of all house-holds consumption
(元/人)     (农业居民=1) (1952年为100)

year of 1952=100

preceding year=100
year all households consumption
rural households urban households urban/rural
consumption ratio
 (rural households=100)
1952 88 79 159 2.0 100.0
1957 115 98 214 2.2 122.0 101.6
1962 120 92 252 2.7 93.7 104.1
1965 125 102 246 2.4 116.5 107.3
1970 145 119 304 2.6 133.1 102.2
1975 148 115 357 3.1 134.4 98.9
1978 183 140 455 3.3 162.1 111.2
1979 206 162 473 2.9 172.8 106.6
1980 231 180 533 3.0 184.6 106.8
1981 269 220 546 2.5 209.4 113.4
1982 305 252 607 2.4 224.3 107.1
1983 322 270 609 3.6 239.5 106.8
1984 378 323 672 2.1 262.2 109.4
1985 465 396 818 2.1 303.2 115.7
1986 507 430 880 2.0 311.8 102.8
1987 577 491 987 2.0 324.2 104.0
1988 744 645 1218 1.9 331.7 102.3
1989 893 771 1473 1.9 334.6 100.9
1990 962 852 1486 1.7 349.5 104.4
1991 1096 932 1885 2.0 384.6 110.0
1992 1342 1127 2366 2.1 454.1 118.1
1993 1688 1419 2964 2.1 496.2 109.3
1994 2320 1965 3857 2.0 538.9 108.6
1995 2944 2544 4648 1.8 595.7 110.5
1996 3356 2927 5148 1.8 642.2 107.8
1997 3826 3330 5846 1.8 719.6 112.1
1998 3934 3388 6115 1.8 741.8 103.1
1999 4066 3503 6255 1.8 780.4 105.2
2000 4428 3815 6757 1.8 834.4 106.9
2001 4611 3901 7247 1.9 875.3 104.9
2002 4900 4104 7779 1.9 936.7 107.0
2003 5324 4358 8731 2.0 1016.6 108.5
2004 5913 4831 9686 2.0 1088.2 107.0