2-14  主要年份最终消费与资本形成总额指数
indices of final consumption expenditure and
 gross captial formation in selected years
以1952年为100 (year of 1952=100)


year final consumption expenditure household consumption government consumption gross capital formation fixed capital formation changes in inventories
1952 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
1957 144.9 139.6 210.0 435.2 408.2 475.4
1962 131.8 121.7 264.6 10.0 242.8 -319.4
1965 171.4 161.8 294.2 437.5 555.3 273.0
1970 227.0 214.8 383.2 705.4 409.6 429.0
1975 273.3 246.3 648.1 748.4 882.2 562.7
1978 358.4 316.3 952.4 1595.9 1550.9 1665.1
1979 388.8 342.5 1043.7 1552.9 1871.6 1109.5
1980 418.9 370.7 1097.8 1794.1 2188.5 1244.9
1981 475.2 426.3 1148.2 1839.1 2110.9 1477.7
1982 515.8 464.5 1215.0 2099.1 2454.6 1617.7
1983 560.7 504.0 1336.6 2192.3 2944.7 1109.9
1984 626.3 559.3 1555.7 2788.7 3289.5 1675.0
1985 736.9 662.0 1763.9 3363.9 3820.5 2764.7
1986 789.5 688.3 2247.0 3838.9 4593.3 2800.1
1987 851.8 727.1 2689.7 4206.1 5041.2 3054.8
1988 930.1 756.1 3584.8 4213.3 4628.8 3700.9
1989 975.8 774.6 4080.0 4440.3 4247.0 4819.3
1990 1131.1 830.8 5878.9 4258.3 4203.0 4463.3
1991 1269.3 937.2 6489.2 4967.1 5034.1 4858.9
1992 1491.4 1118.3 7248.7 5937.4 5796.7 6390.9
1993 1637.6 1236.9 7747.8 8404.5 8277.7 8864.2
1994 1776.7 1353.1 8158.4 12584.9 12215.7 13724.5
1995 1950.9 1511.4 8411.3 15084.1 14585.4 16598.2
1996 2166.4 1650.7 9949.3 17805.4 17358.1 19219.2
1997 2469.0 1871.6 11549.4 20213.4 19508.8 22338.5
1998 2628.2 1943.5 13366.0 23617.6 23231.4 24946.1
1999 2874.1 2058.2 16092.7 26144.7 24880.8 29810.6
2000 3187.8 2260.7 18338.4 28169.4 26383.0 33240.3
2001 3472.7 2415.2 21014.6 30609.7 27783.1 38741.2
2002 3834.5 2605.9 24533.9 33730.6 30700.2 42443.0
2003 4221.9 2847.6 27484.9 37919.2 37091.2 40127.0
2004 4573.1 3068.0 30132.3 43357.0 45326.5 37301.8