2-10  分行业增加值
value-added by sector
单位:亿元       (100 million yuan)
     item 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
                             value-added 3920.07 4253.68 4682.01 5223.01 6053.14
  第一产业                 primary industry 640.57 651.11 664.78 692.94 787.29
  第二产业                 secondary industry  1711.16 1904.21 2159.94 2483.57 2950.33
                         industry  1470.07 1645.34 1882.55 2137.84 2532.68
    建筑业                   construction 241.09 258.87 277.39 345.73 417.65
  第三产业                 tertiary industy 1568.34 1698.36 1857.29 2046.50 2315.52
    农林牧渔服务业     services for farming,forestry,animal
     husbandry and fishery
6.14 6.84 7.65 9.01 9.42
    地质勘查、水利管理业     geological prospecting and
     water conservancy
6.18 6.79 7.38 8.13 8.95
    交通运输、仓储、邮电通讯业     transport,storage,post and
     telecommunication services
444.13 468.49 491.00 532.04 601.42
    批发和零售贸易、餐饮业     wholesale and retail trade and
     catering services
384.17 411.51 444.20 492.59 559.35
    金融保险业     finance and insurance 187.85 201.52 227.94 252.01 292.50
    房地产业     real estate 118.02 128.52 142.17 158.21 176.70
    社会服务业     social servcices 159.83 179.57 200.81 221.45 244.11
    卫生、体育、社会福利事业     health care,sports and social welfare 41.82 47.07 52.58 58.49 65.06
    education,culture and arts,radio,film
     and television
100.96 114.84 131.54 147.04 164.64
    科学研究和综合技术服务事业     scientific research and polytechnic
11.75 13.27 15.35 16.75 19.76
    国家机关政党机关和社会团体     govenment agencies,partiesagencies
     and social organizations
98.21 109.98 126.16 139.51 161.53
                                   others 9.28 9.96 10.51 11.27 12.08
增加值比上年增长(%)              increase rate of value-added
    (preceding year=100)
9.5 9.0 10.5 11.6 12.1
  第一产业                 primary industry 2.6 3.5 2.7 3.3 4.5
  第二产业                 secondary industry  11.2 10.7 14.2 16.0 15.2
                         industry  12.5 11.2 15.5 15.5 15.5
    建筑业                   construction 0.6 7.7 6.3 19.6 13.2
  第三产业    tertiary industy 10.2 9.3 9.5 9.6 10.8
    农林牧渔服务业      services for farming,forestry,animal
     husbandry and fishery
8.7 9.8 10.7 16.8 -0.2
    地质勘查、水利管理业     geological prospecting and
     water conservancy
4.3 8.3 7.5 9.3 7.4
    交通运输、仓储、邮电通讯业     transport,storage,post and
     telecommunication services
10.0 8.3 5.8 9.1 12.1
    批发和零售贸易、餐饮业      wholesale and retail trade and
     catering services
9.8 9.3 8.8 10.7 10.6
    金融保险业     finance and insurance 8.1 8.8 13.2 9.8 11.9
    房地产业     real estate 13.4 10.0 9.3 9.1 5.5
    社会服务业     social servcices 11.9 9.4 11.5 8.8 10.1
    卫生、体育、社会福利事业      health care,sports and social welfare 12.2 9.8 8.8 12.7 13.9
    education,culture and arts,radio,film
     and television
13.4 13.1 15.1 7.2 9.6
    科学研究和综合技术服务事业      scientific research and polytechnic
20.1 11.2 14.5 8.3 14.3
    国家机关政党机关和社会团体     govenment agencies,partiesagencies
     and social organizations
7.9 10.3 12.8 9.7 12.8
                others 9.0 6.7 5.2 6.3 5.9