19-10  上市公司主要经济指标(2002)  
main economic indicators of listed companies, 2002  
单位:万元                 (10000 yuan)
       item 单位数 年末资产 固定资产     年末负债 年末股东 股本 主营业务 利润 净利润
(个)             合  计 (所有者)权益 收入 总额
number of enterprises total assets at the year-end original value of fixed assets cumulative depreciation  total liabilities at the year-end total shareholders' (creditors') equity at the year-end capital stock  main business revenue total pretax profits retained
   total 41 6516273 2694413 650547 3454102 3062171 1036395 4402090 309502 218978
一、按控股情况分 grouped by share held  
  国有及国有控股  state-owned and state-holding   24 4694412 2128611 453183 2483557 2210855 687848 3058110 163237 92095
    国有绝对控股   shares absolutely held by state 11 3009925 1639993 298676 1573449 1436476 390085 1768929 95001 54948
    国有相对控股   shares relatively held by state              13 1684487 488618 154507 910108 774379 297763 1289181 68236 37147
  集体控股  shares by collective 2 94333 39724 18303 19146 75187 21036 36804 7789 6466
    集体绝对控股   shares absolutely held by collective              1 22388 5861 1040 12437 9951 6036 12156 2333 2032
    集体相对控股   shares relatively held by collective       1 71945 33863 17263 6709 65236 15000 24648 5456 4434
  其他  others      15 1727528 526078 179061 951399 776129 327511 1307176 138476 120417
二、按登记注册类型分 grouped by registration ownership        
  国有企业   state-owned  
  公司制企业  corporation 41 6516273 2694413 650547 3454102 3062171 1036395 4402090 309502 218978
    国有独资企业   companies exclusively funded by state                  
    其他有限责任公司   other limited liability companies  
    股份有限公司   share-holding companies 41 6516273 2694413 650547 3454102 3062171 1036395 4402090 309502 218978
    中外合资企业   sino-foreign joint ventures  
    港澳台合资企业   joint ventures by hongkong, macao & taiwan  
  其他  others                             
三、按企业规模分 grouped by size of enterprices        
  特大型  outsize 1 226640 156602 56676 62873 163767 70630 85761 4041 1369
  大型  large 17 2809468 1174799 407548 1681925 1127543 453490 2716354 95006 76614
  中型  medium-sized 11 1389997 694214 136156 595246 794751 226458 381138 45302 33768
  小型  small 6 732244 80426 21437 460035 272209 108945 853645 86277 70251
  其他  others 6 1357924 588372 28730 654023 703901 176872 365192 78876 36976
四、按主营行业分 grouped by sector of main business        
  农、林、牧、渔业  farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery  
  工业  industry   27 3788911 1576306 532483 2022732 1766179 692069 2688593 182913 144068
    采掘业   mining and quarrying  
    制造业   manufacturing 26 3546577 1451272 493185 1928758 1617819 662069 2665566 179925 141812
    电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业   electric power gas and water production and supply   1 242334 125034 39298 93974 148360 30000 23027 2988 2256
  建筑业  construction                               
  运输邮电业  post and telecommunication                    3 967028 918789 69754 365405 601623 125000 122407 64703 38901
  批发和零售贸易、餐饮业  wholesale, retail trade and catering trade 6 958784 157523 39648 579307 379477 110954 1296166 32170 25047
  金融保险业  finance and insurance  
  房地产业  real estate trade 4 741625 37462 7415 475475 266150 97372 271539 25903 7475
     others 1 59925 4333 1247 11183 48742 11000 23385 3813 3487
总计比上年增长(%) increase rate in 2002 to 2001   11.7 6.0 15.7 12.2 11.2 8.6 33.8 100.5 123.5