19-3 企业集团主要财务指标
main financial indicators of enterprise groups
单位:万元       (10000 yuan)
        item 2000 2001 2002
企业集团单位数(个) number of groups (unit)                 473 459 440
 #亏损企业集团数(个)   deficited groups  (unit)         140 127 114
业务收入 business income                 10416400 11268552 12402573
 #出口额   export                  2453284 2414734 2789893
  主营业务收入   main business revenue                   10262964 11120303 12257953
 #主营业务成本   main business cost                 8528938 9219174 10085956
  主营业务税金及附加     tax and extra changes of main business              145964 156396 152619
 其他业务收入   other business revenue 193436 148249 144620
total losses of stock due to drop in price and expenses on operation management and finance 1344196 1407833 1387793
#税金   tax 29686 33472 30798
 劳动待业保险费   expenses on labor and unemployed insurance 63009 75704 97670
#利息支出 interest expenditure 234564 236193 260032
投资收益 investment revenue             85080 108814 74775
营业外收入 nonbusiness income               37761 46496 34901
利税总额 total pre-tax profits               582973 740799 933282
利润总额 total profits            249183 355120 545272
#亏损集团亏损额   losses of deficited groups                252404 146628 94176
上交税金 paid taxes       471074 530621 548223
#应交所得税   income tax payable                     107598 111470 129435
 应缴增值税   value added tax payable               187826 229283 235371
资产总计 total assets          16752032 18071707 19959962
 固定资产原价   original value of fixed assets                   6071189 6858234 7203508
   固定资产净值     net-value of fixed assets 4386144 4929409 5082300
   累计折旧     cumulative depreciation             1685045 1928825 2121208
    #本年折旧     current year deperciation 278150 334009 318235
 累计对外投资   cumulative foreign investment     1416476 1595372 1908694
 #本年对外投资     current year foreign investment     159663 207229 231238
  流动资产年平均余额   annual average balance of circulating funds 8662157 9182232 102559632
负债合计 total liabilities                         9848075 10683458 11674452
#流动负债   liquid liabilities                8323419 8937803 9724861
所有者权益合计 total share holders equity                 6903957 7388249 8285510
 股本(或实收资本)   capital stock (total capital hold)       4528130 5198750 4970247
固定资产投资完成额 completed investment fixed assets 387543 478398 454075
研究开发费用 expenditure on research and development 23733 67737 64168