19-2 企业集团单位数
number of enterprises groups
单位:个       (unit)
       item 2000 2001 2002
企业集团单位数 number of groups 473 459 440
 #国有及控股   state-owned and state-holding 151 142 131
一、按主营行业类别分 grouped by sector of main business      
 农业   agriculture 5 7 6
 工业   industry 272 246 239
  采掘业     mining and quarrying 8 9 8
  制造业     manufacturing 260 233 225
  电力、煤气及水的生产供应业   electric, power gas and water production
   and supply
4 4 6
 建筑业   construction 20 16 19
  运输邮电业   post and telecommunication 12 13 13
  批发零售贸易餐饮业   wholesale, retail trade and catering trade 110 109 97
  金融保险业   finance and insurance     2
  房地产业   real estate trade             31 43 41
  其他    others 23 25 23
二、按母公司登记注册类型分 grouped by ownership of parent company      
  国有企业   state-owned 64 56 48
  国有独资公司   companies exclusively funded by state 60     60 63
  其他有限责任公司   other limited liability companies 183    182 196
  股份有限公司   share-holding companies 26     26 25
  中外合资企业     sino-foreign joint ventures 8      5 4
  港澳台合资企业     joint ventures by hongkong, macao & taiwan 12     14 13
  其他   others 120    116 91
三、按母公司控股情况分 grouped by shares held by parent company      
  国有绝对控股   shares absolutely held by state 136    126 122
  国有相对控股   shares relatively held by state 15     16 9
  集体绝对控股   shares absolutely held by collective 57     56 46
  集体相对控股   shares relatively held by collective 26     21 15
  其他   others 239 240 248