19-1  企业集团主要经济指标(2000-2002)
main indicators of enterprise groups, 2000-2002
      item 2000 2001 2002
1.企业集团单位数(个) number of groups(unit) 473 459 440
  #国有及控股   state-owned and state-holding                             151 142 131
  (1)以农林牧渔业为主    farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery 5 7 6
  (2)以工业为主   industry 272 246 239
  #以采掘业为主     mining and quarrying 8 9 8
   以制造业为主     manufacturing 260 233 225
  (3)以建筑业为主   construction 20 16 19
  (4)以运输邮电业为主   post and telecommunication 12 13 13
  (5)以批发和零售贸易、餐饮业为主   wholesale, retail trade and catering trade 110 109 97
  (6)以金融保险业为主   finance and insurance     2
  (7)以房地产业为主   real estate trade 31 43 41
  (8)其他行业   others 23 25 23
2.拥有母子公司单位数(个) number of groups with head and subsidiary 2715 2660 2526
     companies company (unit)
   #国有企业单位数   state-owned enterprises 438 445 400
    国有独资公司单位数   companies exclusively funded by state 204 229 227
    其他有限责任公司单位数   other limited liability companies 1117 1077 1127
    股份有限公司单位数  share-holding companies 97 103 107
  (1)农林牧渔业单位数   farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery 54 61 62
  (2)工业单位数   industry 1226 1145 1052
  #以采掘业为主     mining and quarrying 43 40 26
   以制造业为主     manufacturing 1166 1089 999
  (3)建筑业单位数   construction 128 122 126
  (4)运输邮电业单位数   post and telecommunication 97 124 107
  (5)批发和零售贸易、餐饮业单位数   wholesale, retail trade and catering trade 645 664 615
  (6)金融保险业单位数   finance and insurance 5 4 11
  (7)房地产业单位数   real estate trade 209 209 216
  (8)其他行业单位数   others 51 331 337
3.上交税金总额(亿元) total paid taxes(10000 million yuan) 47.11 53.06 54.82
   #国有及控股   state-owned and state-holding                             29.35 34.95 34.97
  (1)以农林牧渔业为主   farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery 0.16 0.27 0.22
  (2)以工业为主   industry 32.77 34.32 36.96
  #以采掘业为主   mining and quarrying 0.47 1.50 1.92
   以制造业为主   manufacturing 32.02 32.57 33.98
  (3)以建筑业为主   construction 2.85 3.26 3.43
  (4)以运输邮电业为主   post and telecommunication 1.89 2.93 3.27
  (5)以批发和零售贸易、餐饮业为主   wholesale, retail trade and catering trade 6.96 8.47 7.00
  (6)以金融保险业为主   finance and insurance   0.10
  (7)以房地产业为主   real estate trade 1.82 2.25 3.13
  (8)其他行业   others 0.66 1.56 0.71
4.利润总额(亿元) total profits(10000 million yuan) 24.92 35.51 54.53
   #国有及控股   state-owned and state-holding 1.12 14.03 23.36
  (1)以农林牧渔业为主   farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery 0.12 0.09 -0.09
  (2)以工业为主 industry 16.73 26.41 37.57
  #以采掘业为主 mining and quarrying 0.03 0.43 0.47
   以制造业为主 manufacturing 16.54 25.66 35.57
  (3)以建筑业为主 construction 2.52 1.88 2.39
  (4)以运输邮电业为主 post and telecommunication 0.49 2.16 2.32
  (5)以批发和零售贸易、餐饮业为主 wholesale, retail trade and catering trade 2.84 1.40 7.79
  (6)以金融保险业为主 finance and insurance   0.22
  (7)以房地产业为主 real estate trade 1.94 1.67 3.56
  (8)其他行业 others 0.28 1.90 0.77
5.年末从业人员(万人) number of groups owned parent and child 49.53 50.61 50.52
     company (unit)
   #国有及控股 state-owned and state-holding 24.90 25.34 23.90
  (1)以农林牧渔业为主 farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery 0.08 0.41 0.29
  (2)以工业为主 industry 33.31 30.81 34.32
  #以采掘业为主 mining and quarrying 0.61 1.96 2.05
   以制造业为主 manufacturing 32.48 28.57 31.80
  (3)以建筑业为主 construction 4.28 4.55 4.65
  (4)以运输邮电业为主 post and telecommunication 1.88 3.25 3.09
  (5)以批发和零售贸易、餐饮业为主 wholesale, retail trade and catering trade 8.01 6.71 5.91
  (6)以金融保险业为主 finance and insurance   0.04
  (7)以房地产业为主 real estate trade 0.59 0.98 1.09
  (8)其他行业 others 1.38 3.90 1.13
6.从业人员劳动报酬(亿元) payment of employed persons(10000 million yuan) 53.86 59.91 64.95
   #国有及控股 state-owned and state-holding 30.34 34.88 36.48
  (1)以农林牧渔业为主 farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery 0.06 0.25 0.18
  (2)以工业为主 industry 33.51 32.87 39.80
  #以采掘业为主 mining and quarrying 0.44 2.35 2.27
   以制造业为主 manufacturing 32.86 30.28 36.12
  (3)以建筑业为主 construction 5.11 5.52 6.42
  (4)以运输邮电业为主 post and telecommunication 3.18 5.66 5.96
  (5)以批发和零售贸易、餐饮业为主 wholesale, retail trade and catering trade 9.61 9.32 9.02
  (6)以金融保险业为主 finance and insurance   0.11
  (7)以房地产业为主 real estate trade 0.78 1.28 1.84
  (8)其他行业 others 1.61 5.01 1.62
7.资产总计(亿元) total assets(10000 million yuan) 1675.20 1807.17 1996.00
    #国有及控股   state-owned and state-holding 1010.30 1094.39 1253.72
  (1)以农林牧渔业为主   farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery 3.65 13.43 9.53
  (2)以工业为主   industry 858.54 826.29 917.34
    #以采掘业为主     mining and quarrying 8.31 30.48 42.56
      以制造业为主     manufacturing 845.70 790.51 854.78
  (3)以建筑业为主   construction 109.46 106.14 118.61
  (4)以运输邮电业为主   post and telecommunication 110.44 158.99 164.07
  (5)以批发和零售贸易、餐饮业为主   wholesale, retail trade and catering trade 435.25 426.86 453.10
  (6)以金融保险业为主   finance and insurance   38.28
  (7)以房地产业为主   real estate trade 108.49 171.17 181.56
  (8)其他行业   others 49.37 104.29 113.51
8.固定资产净值(亿元) number of groups owned parent and child 438.61 492.94 508.23
     company (unit)
   #国有及控股   state-owned and state-holding 271.01 278.50 321.32
  (1)以农林牧渔业为主   farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery 0.82 3.64 1.64
  (2)以工业为主   industry 251.11 274.01 309.08
    #以采掘业为主     mining and quarrying 2.09 9.19 15.46
      以制造业为主     manufacturing 246.64 261.95 287.39
  (3)以建筑业为主   construction 13.36 12.52 14.47
  (4)以运输邮电业为主   post and telecommunication 68.79 82.57 84.16
  (5)以批发和零售贸易、餐饮业为主   wholesale, retail trade and catering trade 80.52 70.73 64.10
  (6)以金融保险业为主   finance and insurance   1.07
  (7)以房地产业为主   real estate trade 6.20 12.74 11.61
  (8)其他行业   others 17.81 36.73 22.10
9.研究开发费用(亿元) expenditure on research and development 2.37 6.77 6.42
 (10000 million yuan)
   #国有及控股   state-owned and state-holding 1.22 3.62 3.77
  (1)以农林牧渔业为主   farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery              
  (2)以工业为主   industry 2.17 6.56 5.33
    #以采掘业为主     mining and quarrying 0.01  
      以制造业为主     manufacturing 2.16 6.55 5.32
  (3)以建筑业为主   construction 0.01        0.01
  (4)以运输邮电业为主   post and telecommunication 0.03  
  (5)以批发和零售贸易、餐饮业为主   wholesale, retail trade and catering trade 0.13 0.19 1.06
  (6)以金融保险业为主   finance and insurance  
  (7)以房地产业为主   real estate trade 0.03        0.02
  (8)其他行业   others   0.02