16-1  设区市基本情况
basic statistics of cities
    目 item 福州市 厦门市 莆田市 三明市 泉州市 漳州市 南平市 龙岩市 宁德市
fuzhou xiamen putian sanming quanzhou  zhangzhou nanping   longyan   ningde
一、人口、劳动力及土地面积 population ,labor and area of land         
  年末总人口(万人)   total population at the year end10000 person 157.64 137.16 200.81 27.95 96.33 51.44 49.29 46.01 41.46
  年平均人口(万人)   average annual population10000 person 155.71 135.76 200.50 27.84 95.80 51.52 49.29 45.95 41.55
  暂住人口(一个月以上)(万人)   number of temporary residents10000 person 27.51 61.87 8.42 4.29 40.88 2.16 3.68 3.20 2.71
  年出生人口(人)   annual birthperson 11285 12448 22079 2424 8576 4571 4364 3856 5336
  年死亡人口(人)   annual deathperson 6282 5768 9342 895 4337 1759 2165 2075 1962
  年末总户数(万户)   number of households at the year-end10000 unit 48.64 41.85 47.72 8.68 24.29 14.93 13.17 13.14 11.46
  年末单位从业人员数(万人)   employment at the year-end10000 person 44.71 52.70 17.23 7.50 24.37 8.71 6.20 8.45 3.75
    第一产业     primary industry 412586.00 0.28 0.14 412586.00 0.09 0.15 0.14 0.03 0.04
    第二产业     secondary industry 21.98 37.38 10.57 4.33 16.79 4.68 3.35 4.38 1.08
      采掘业       mining and quarrying 0.02 0.01 0.13 0.04 0.29 0.12 0.79
      制造业       manufacturing 17.17 31.26 9.53 3.56 13.50 3.74 2.54 2.21 0.17
      电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业       production and supply of electric power, gas and water 0.60 0.62 0.23 0.14 0.21 0.10 0.21 0.24 0.29
      建筑业       construction 4.19 5.49 0.68 0.59 2.79 0.84 0.48 1.14 0.62
    第三产业     tertiary industry 22.24 15.04 6.52 3.11 7.49 3.88 2.71 4.04 2.63
      地质勘查业、水利管理业       geological prospecting and water conservancy 0.11 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.11 0.04
      交通运输、仓储及邮电通信业       transport, storage, post  & telecommunication services 2.55 1.86 0.68 0.42 1.19 0.46 0.25 0.35 0.21
      批发和零售贸易、餐饮业       wholesale and retail & catering services 3.67 2.25 0.56 0.40 0.95 0.53 0.28 0.31 0.26
      金融、保险业       finance and insurance 1.53 1.03 0.36 0.41 0.47 0.35 0.27 0.34 0.28
      房地产业       real estate 0.93 0.82 0.11 0.05 0.18 0.13 0.04 0.11 0.08
      社会服务业       social services 2.80 2.57 0.29 0.33 0.54 0.33 0.25 0.46 0.24
      卫生、体育和社会福利业       health care ,sport & social welfare 1.87 0.92 0.59 0.22 0.60 0.32 0.26 0.37 0.19
      教育、文化艺术和广播电影电视业       education, culture and arts, radio, film and television 3.76 2.87 2.57 0.58 1.93 0.79 0.62 0.93 0.65
      科学研究和综合技术服务业       scientific research and polytechnic services 1.49 0.47 0.09 0.06 0.13 0.08 0.04 0.08 0.03
      国家机关、政党机关和社会团体       government agencies,party agences and social organization 3.28 1.80 1.23 0.56 1.19 0.80 0.66 0.77 0.61
      其他行业       others 0.25 0.41 0.01 0.03 0.24 0.06 0.03 0.21 0.04
  私营和个体从业人员(人)     individual employment in urban areaperson 207628 134967 75192 24112 154145 35131 18502 29523 18027
  年末城镇登记失业人员数(人)     registered unemployment in urban area at the year-end (person 19949 20727 4137 6498 1771 2962 6252 3352 2278
  行政区域土地面积(平方公里)     administrative areasq.km 1043 1565 145 1178 530 401 2660 2681 1537
  #建成区面积(平方公里)       area of built districtsq.km 102 94 28 18 49 25 20 27 8
  #居住用地面积(平方公里)       residential areas (sq.km) 28 16 14 6 13 7 7 7 3
  公共设施用地面积(平方公里)       areas for public facilitiessq.km 12 7 1 2 7 4 2 1 1
  工业用地面积(平方公里)       areas for industrial usesq.km 17 27 6 7 12 4 5 6 1
二、综合经济 general economy                                                                                 
  国内生产总值(万元)   gdp10000 yuan 5333686 6483570 1818195 643386 2448922 1157536 676868 951893 427565
    第一产业增加值     value-added of primary industry 98802 222992 287475 45700 104376 46846 92228 91173 91416
    第二产业增加值     value-added of secondary industry 2426482 3619960 904725 362960 1290437 484691 335351 532711 106544
    #工业增加值       industrial value-added 1994734 3255321 762910 311785 1107621 384866 268969 474869 62177
    第三产业增加值     value-added of tertiary industry 2808402 2640618 625995 234726 1054109 625999 249289 328009 229605
三、财政、金融、保险 finance banking and insurance                                                                                 
  地方财政预算内收入(万元)   budgetary revenue of local government10000 yuan 473016 624199 77764 48081 143892 77725 46542 76927 9010
  地方财政预算内支出(万元)   budgetary expenditure of local government10000 yuan 416347 792956 112131 56278 164079 91551 55511 95687 18916
  年末金融机构存款余额(万元)   deposits of monetary institutions at the year-end10000 yuan 10875013 8185344 1550120 782833 2289357 1200075 840740 977623 271682
  #城乡居民储蓄年末余额(万元)     saving of urban and rural residents at the year-end (10000 yuan) 412586 3199373 1218550 412586 1328983 631167 509806 543521 123771
  年末金融机构各项贷款余额(万元)   loans of monetary institutions at the year-end10000 yuan 10079583 5806429 1007150 569844 1689493 829710 758955 750571 245371
  承保额(万元)   amount insured10000 yuan 14821966 51594870 3728233 2624752 4992931 1668250 1033942 1636719 330245
  保费(万元)   premium10000 yuan 119912 165677 25716 18415 95566 6910 14883 33761 6181
  已决赔款(万元)   claim and payment10000 yuan 23877 30093 4791 4048 8682 5092 2553 5371 1386
四、工业 industry                                                                                 
  规模以上工业企业   industrial enterprises above designated size                                                                                 
    工业企业数(个)     number of industrial enterprisesunit 754 903 287 123 534 248 119 159 29
      内资企业       domestic funded enterprises 412 273 151 105 272 156 95 138 22
      港、澳、台商投资企业       enterprises with funds from hongkong ,macao and taiwan 199 433 104 14 211 72 16 16 5
      外商投资企业       foreign funded enterprises 143 197 32 4 51 20 8 5 2
    工业总产值(万元)     total output10000 yuan  4423380 10254869 1590263 911624 2071532 624237 658289 944778 67990
      内资企业       domestic funded enterprises 1548447 1623394 498265 870395 1190460 333120 504635 845248 60007
      港、澳、台商投资企业       enterprises with funds from hongkong ,macao and taiwan 1122364 4570697 577272 36667 679041 241096 106660 72829 6309
      外商投资企业       foreign funded enterprises 1752569 4060778 514726 4562 202031 50021 46994 26701 1674
    从业人员年平均人数(万人)     annual average employment10000 person  19.39 32.80 10.32 4.53 16.61 4.03 3.30 3.73 0.48
    流动资产年平均余额(万元)     annual average balance of circulating funds10000 yuan 2395757 4670987 658556 522027 637051 336178 435733 557587 142824
    固定资产净值年平均余额(万元)     annual average balance 1804967 3742250 1091901 593250 804706 350218 651792 571399 128278
     of net value of fixed assets10000 yuan
    产品销售收入(万元)     sales revenue10000 yuan 3965752 10215835 1398295 944855 2072728 604404 657978 967795 63532
    #产品销售税金及附加(万元)       sales tax and extra charges10000 yuan 13888 144946 19226 6395 45135 2537 3594 143040 255
    本年应交增值税(万元)     value-added tax payable10000 yuan 90237 245250 52111 49455 58688 19812 34887 75826 2449
    利润总额(万元)     total profits10000 yuan 152320 717081 43898 62713 123448 22084 44731 64610 3318
五、邮电通信、能源电力 post & telecommunication ,energy and power                                                                                 
  年末邮电局(所)数(处)   number of post & telecommunications offices at the year-end (unit) 88 101 132 24 42 54 35 34 25
  邮政业务总量(万元)   business volume of post service10000 yuan 31762 24123 8539 5293 11944 19948 4377 4101 2418
  本地电话用户数(万户)   local telephone subscribers10000 unit 94.40 90.89 43.30 12.00 76.13 44.75 12.82 15.43 9.52
  年末移动电话用户数(户)   number of mobile telephone subscribers at the year-endunit 671656 856500 391346 116016 629179 132308 122270 258509 65000
  国际互联网用户数(户)   number of subscribers of internet services at the year-endunit 477332 274100 88520 45000 147514 64604 49051 61158 43547
  能源消费量(万吨)   consumption of energy10000 tons 159 347 142 290 560 27 101 162 1
  全年用电量(万千瓦时)   electricity consumption 10000 kwh 561807 590278 134677 186848 273145 187334 156271 193303 22790
  #工业用电(万千瓦时)     industrial consumptim10000 kwh 254996 339530 83758 165684 171773 106557 122904 147751 4931
    城乡居民生活用电(万千瓦时)   residential consumption by urban and rural residents (10000 kwh) 140971 112907 31978 12856 45514 29472 15378 23486 6350
六、贸易、外经 trade,foreign trade and economy                                                                                 
  批发零售贸易业商品销售总额(万元)   total sales of wholesale and retail trade (10000 yuan) 7050967 7523550 952159 501103 1554792 966035 292296 434435 176980
  社会消费品零售额(万元)   retail sales of consumer goods10000 yuan 2356904 2150659 634114 214122 894485 475129 193729 185240 130134
  限额以上批发零售贸易企业数(个)   number of enterprises above designated size in wholesale and ratail tradeunit 412586 560 19 412586 93 41 19 42 7
  #零售业:按经营方式分组     retail trade:grouped by cooperation                                                                                 
              连锁商店(个)       chain storeunit 2 22 2 8 3 1 3
              非连锁商店(个)       non chain storeunit 126 68 3 6 30 6 11 39 5
            按零售业态分组     grouped by pattern                                                                                 
              百货商店(个)       shops and storesunit 22 17 1 2 6 0 1 1 1
              超级市场(个)       super marketsunit 20 7 7 1 2 2
  限额以上餐饮企业数(个)   number of enterprises above designated size in catering tradeunit 86 49 1 10 20 8 3 2
  外国和港澳台地区在华直接投资:   foreign direct investmentunit                                                                                 
    当年新签项目(合同)个数(个)     number of newly signed contracts of this yearunit 261 380 48 9 181 47 19 13 8
    当年合同外资金额(万美元)     value of signed contracts of this yearusd 10000 95413 69026 0 1166 42688 12235 9765 1502 906
    当年实际使用外资金额(万美元)     foreign capital actually used of this yearusd 10000 56100 62093 22024 1246 26141 5036 6264 1287 1249
    已投产(营业)企业数(个)     number of built enterprisesunit 1566 4590 285 46 1716 118 93 170 45
    从业人员数(人)     employmentperson 167596 290561 71585 3380 132600 25515 6078 7299 2308
七、固定资产投资 investment in fixed assets                                                                                 
  固定资产投资完成额(万元)   investment in fixed assets completed10000 yuan 2271536 2484507 300499 191753 778786 408421 177359 298741 128020
  #房地产开发投资完成额(万元)     investment in real estate development10000 yuan 851183 623326 53602 31205 178060 110892 42015 46177 55641
    #住宅(万元)     residential buildings10000 yuan 596492 414017 34865 17705 116509 71085 30029 23470 21299
  全年新增固定资产(万元)   newly increased fixed assets10000 yuan 610290 1025915 98019 124320 437055 209470 66425 200364 30017
  本年施工住宅面积(万平方米)   floor space residential of buildings under construction10000 sq.m 23.74 33.13 12.34 17.62 8.89 4.20 2.46 3.38 1.02
  本年竣工住宅面积(万平方米)   floor space completed of residential buildings10000 sq.m 16.15 16.58 0.56 12.20 6.56 3.60 2.46 1.59 0.71
  商品房屋销售面积(万平方米)   floor space of commercial houses actually sold10000 sq.m 253.01 226.23 47.87 29.18 53.69 50.28 17.85 18.91 20.11
  #销售给个人(万平方米)     to individuals10000 sq.m 234.94 214.28 33.89 28.28 44.56 46.48 17.57 17.99 19.35
  商品房屋空置面积(万平方米)   floor space of commercial houses unsold10000 sq.m 98.57 130.39 6.44 5.55 31.51 36.37 3.45 10.93 4.69
  商品房屋销售额(万元)   total sales of commercial houses10000 yuan 743952 694925 48009 43910 142655 118745 23546 33694 37240
  #销售给个人(万元)     to individuals10000 yuan 685412 648253 32048 42010 137599 107181 21707 31922 35340
八、教育、科技、文化、卫生   education,science,culture and health                                                                                 
  学校数   school                                                            
    高等学校(所)     institutions of higher educationunit 11 4 1 1 6 3 2 2 1
    中等专业学校(所)     specialized secondary schoolsunit 36 11 3 4 6 5 7 5 2
    普通中学(所)     regular secondary schoolsunit 134 80 107 24 64 27 46 45 27
    小学(所)     primiary schoolsunit 256 374 570 92 235 145 227 123 243
  专任教师数   number of full-time teachers                                                            
    高等学校(人)     institutions of higher educationperson 6588 2679 427 343 1688 597 231 423 145
    中等专业学校(人)     specialized secondary schoolsperson 1828 689 383 203 451 302 286 391 104
    普通中学(人)     regular secondary schoolsperson 7281 7227 8813 1516 5165 2196 2005 2534 1931
    小学(人)     primiary schoolsperson 6579 7687 10725 1633 5673 2332 2945 2383 2360
  在校学生数   number of students enrollmentperson                                                            
    高等学校(人)     institutions of higher educationperson 90800 32522 5519 5642 28836 10592 5536 6204 2563
    中等专业学校(人)     specialized secondary schoolsperson 49434 14164 3395 5119 10357 5325 6235 8299 2633
    普通中学(万人)     regular secondary schools10000 person 11.33 11.07 17.35 2.21 9.01 3.84 3.33 4.05 3.18
    小学(万人)     primiary schools10000 person 12.70 14.15 20.81 2.49 10.28 4.25 3.98 3.80 4.44
  成人高等教育学校在校学生数(人)   student enrollment of adult education schoolsperson 55432 17842 202 1647 2629 1180 2024 2800 1391
  各类专业技术人员数(万人)   number of scientific and technical personnel10000 person 18.56 10.11 4.52 2.40 5.68 1.43 2.00 1.52 0.63
  #中级技术职称以上人员数(万人)     number of personnel with junior titles and above10000 person 6.41 4.48 1.68 0.88 1.92 0.38 0.69 0.52 0.14
  剧场、影剧院数(个)   number of theatres and cinemasunit 17 9 12 3 9 3 4 3 1
  公共图书馆图书藏量(千册、件)   stock copies of public library1000 copies 3214 1495 81 384 496 280 178 245 82
  医院、卫生院数(个)   number of hospitalsunit 84 47 45 20 54 38 37 26 18
  医院、卫生院床位数(张)   number of hospitals bedsunit 9824 5651 3046 2433 3748 3546 1913 2501 1317
  医生数(人)   doctorsperson 7196 3785 1726 989 1845 1027 727 894 453
九、人民生活 people’s livelihood                                                            
  在岗职工平均人数(万人)   average staff and workers on job10000 person 42.10 49.87 16.74 7.32 22.59 8.18 6.05 8.24 3.37
  在岗职工工资总额(万元)   total wages of staff and workers on job10000 yuan 625573 890229 195914 107915 292587 100573 79127 113497 45790
  居民人均可支配收入(元)   per capita annual disposable income of urban residentsyuan 9190 11768 8351 10449 11362 8456 8172 8999 7547
  居民人均消费支出(元)   per capita expenditures for consumption of urban residentsyuan 6671 8504 6433 7467 7903 6303 5654 6531 5177
  #食品     food  3089 3514 3061 2878 3368 2664 2509 2481 2516
    衣着用品     clothing  433 606 479 526 745 415 530 625 511
    家庭设备、用品及服务       household facilities ,articles and services 376 672 373 471 538 608 342 435 208
    医疗保健     health care 443 351 184 564 261 216 170 401 422
    交通和通讯     transport,post and communication services 530 923 636 640 883 737 494 673 414
    娱乐、教育、文化服务     recreation,education and culture services 752 1219 883 954 998 681 909 1221 500
    居住     residence 876 972 694 1221 772 788 508 550 528
  居民消费价格指数(上年为100)   retail price index of goodsprevious year=100 99.6 98.4 99.3 99.7 98.4 99.9 100.1 99.3 99.9
  年末离休、退休、退职人员数(万人)   number of retired and resigned persous at the year-end(10000 persons) 13.58 8.81 3.02 3.32 3.63 1.58 2.3 1.78 0.43
  基本养老保险参保职工(人)   employed persons with endowment insurance (person) 479425 535300 80557 83188 61379 67498 57664 82779 21997
  基本医疗保险参保人数(人)   persons with health insurance (person) 186880 424300 100729 97302 88435 55215 88597 82515 13726
  失业保险参保人数(人)   persons with unemployment insurance (person) 437411 408700 100412 75434 90546 6730 82907 68123 17193
  社会福利院数(个)   social welfare institutions (unit) 12 45 2 1 9 6 1 14 16
  社会福利院床位数(张)   beds of social welfare institutions (unit) 1351 3260 292 60 273 488 220 280 114
  社区服务设施数(个)   communities service facilities (unit) 264 558 87 1305 176 150 20 61 266
  居民最低生活保障已保人数(人)   residents receiving lowest cost-of-living (person) 14553 13717 15032 8383 3537 6534 8502 4858 3860
十、社会治安 public order                                                                                 
  交通事故件数(件)   number of traffic accidentsunit 3637 9837 1793 3049 3265 1113 869 749 425
  交通事故死亡人数(人)   number of death in traffic accidentsperson 188 317 143 33 101 87 70 102 44
  刑事案件立案数(件)   number of criminal cases registeredunit 20431 9793 8562 2602 7349 973 2885 5348 255
  犯罪人数(人)   number of criminalperson 2341 2311 1558 592 2527 551 724 647 199
十一、市政公用事业 urban public utilities                                                                                 
  年末实有铺装道路面积(万平方米)   area of paved roads at the year-end10000 sq.m 1133 1145 230 168 410 283 160 216 114
  排水管道总长度(公里)   length of server pipelineskm 1470 950 295 111 312 235 75 125 96
  供水综合生产能力(包括自备水源)   general production ability of supplied water10000cu.m /day 124 108 27 76 27 29 12 26 6
  全年供水总量(万立方米)   annual supply of tap water10000 cu.m 23389 21312 5873 10473 7441 5549 2686 6418 999
  用水人口(万人)   population of water consumption10000 person 143.67 81 38.16 21.68 55.36 35 21.7 26.14 11.5
  液化石油气供气总量(吨)   total supply of liquefied petroleum gaston 84790 77600 8006 7400 25000 25475 3780 12487 5230
  #家庭用量(吨)     consumption for householdston 52749 66800 7182 7000 22700 19977 3640 9747 4754
  用液化气人口(人)   population of liquefied petroleum gas consumptionperson 1369200 1153100 161400 170400 576000 375000 193700 214700 95000
  年末实有公共汽(电)车营运车辆数(辆)   number of public transportation vehicles at the year-end unit 1455 1579 358 180 461 134 183 294 142
  全年公共汽(电)车客运总量(万人次)   total passager traffic of buses10000 persons 32710.57 28685 4161 3582 5673.71 810 3870 4017 2800
  年末实有出租汽车数(辆)   number of taxies at the year-endunit 3745 3437 798 350 1607 1203 388 230 480
  园林绿地面积(公顷)   public green areas and garden areashectare 3575 3454 1001 969 2192 720 597 900 247
  #公共绿地面积(公顷)   public green areashectare 890 739 128 196 311 174 128 169 50
  建成区绿化覆盖面积(公顷)   green areas in developed landhectare 3842 3340 1034 704 1676 720 650 860 253
注: 1.本表为设区市市辖区数;2.本表中的“固定资产投资完成额及其中:住宅、全年新增固定资产、本年施工住宅面积、本年竣工住宅面积“等5个指标仅包括基本建设投资、更新改造投资、其它固定资产投资、城镇集? 
note:a)the date in this table are the data of all districs and administered by the city. b)the five indicators in this table , namely, investment in fixed assets completed, residential buildings, newly increased fixed assets, floor space of residential buildings under construction, floor space of residential buildings completed, include capital construction investment, innovation investment, other fixed asset investment, and buildings constructed by urban collective units, private individuals, etc.