15-18  社会救济与捐赠工作情况(2002年)
basic statistics on social relief and donation , 2002
      item 2002
一、社会救济总人数 (人) number of persons receiving social relief funds (person) 707279
   (一)城镇居民最低生活保障人数 (人)   number of persons receiving lowest cost- of -living in urban 174938
   areas (person)
      #在职人员     employed persons 9855
        下岗人员     laid-off persons 47352
        退休人员     retired persons 8692
        失业人员     unemployed persons 31934
       “三无”人员     persons without stable residence, employment and identity 13913
        其他人员     other persons 63192
   (二)农村居民最低生活保障人数 (人)   number of persons receiving lowest cost- of -living in rural 130960
   areas (person)
      #困难户     households with economic hardship 87319
        五保户       rural households with livelihood guaranteed in five aspects 30008
        其他对象       other  13633
      农村居民最低生活保障家庭数 (户)     number of households receiving lowest cost-of-living (unit) 68140
      农村临时救济人次数 (人次)     number of persons receiving temporary almsgiving in rural 360241
     areas (person-time)
   (三)救济对精减退职老职工人数 (人)   number of laid-off, retired, temporary almsgiving in rural area 9383
      40%救济人数     persons receiving 40% of their original wages 6975
      定救人数     persons receiving periodical and rixed government relief funds 2408
   (四)居家集体供养人数 (人)   laid-off persons receiving relief funds from collective units 32130
      集体供给金额 (万元)     relief funds offered by collective units (10000 yuan) 2212
二、社会捐赠  (万元) social donation (10000 yuan)  
   (一)直接接收捐赠情况 (万元)   donation directing received (10000 yuan)  
        捐赠款数额     donated funds 4309
        捐赠衣被合计 (万件)     donated clothes and quilts (10000 unit) 714
        捐赠其他物资价值     valus of other materials donated 617
   (二)间接接收捐赠情况 (万元)   donation indirectly received (10000 yuan)  
        捐赠款数额     donated funds 599
        捐赠衣被合计 (万件)     donated clothes and quilts (10000 unit) 50
        捐赠其他物资价值     valus of other materials donated 332
   (三)受益人次数 (人次)   persons receiving donation (person-time) 1989724
   (四)社会捐赠接收工作站、点数 (个)   working stations for social donation (unit) 550
三、民政资金情况 (万元) civil funds (10000 yuan)  
   (一)民政事业费实际支出   actual expenditure on civil  85354
      #救灾支出     expenditure on disaster relief affairs 12902
        城镇最低生活保障实际支出     actual expenditure on urban lowest cost-of-living 8685
        农村最低生活保障实际支出     actual expenditure on rural lowest cost-of-living  
   (二)基本建设投资实际支出   actual expenditure on capital construction investment 1496