15-17  工业污染排放及处理利用情况
emission and treatment of industrial pollutants
    item 2001 2002
一、企业基本情况 enterprises status
  1.汇总企业数(个)   number of enterprises (unit) 3152 3043
  2.“三废”综合利用产品产值(万元)   output value of products made from comprehensive 73837 73533.10
   utilization of waste gas, waste water & solid
   wastes (10000 yuan)
  3.工业锅炉数(台)   number of industrial boilers (set) 1988 2034
              (蒸吨)                                        ;        (steam ton) 23788.3 27549.5
    #烟尘排放达标的(台)     with soot up to the emission standards (set) 1794 1907
                    (蒸吨)                                        ;                            (steam ton) 23109.7 26870.6
      二氧化琉排放达标的(台)      with sulphur dioxide up to the emission standards (set) 1423 1534
                        (蒸吨)                                        ;                              (steam ton)  22126.8 24283.3
  4.工业炉窑数 (座)   number of industrial stores (set) 3260 2409
    #烟尘排放达标的(座)     with soot up to the emission standards (set) 1722 2057
      二氧化硫排放达标的(座)      with sulphur dioxide up to the emission standards (set) 1286 1927
二、工业废水 industrial waste water                      
  1.工业用水总量(万吨)   total volume of water for industrial use (10000 tons) 485947.84 481966.34
    #新鲜水量(万吨)     volume of water for first use (10000 toms) 284319.80 225074.21
      重复用水量(万吨)     volume of water for repeated use (10000 tons) 201628.04 256892.13
  2.工业重复用水率(%)   rate of industrial water for repeated use 41.5 53.3
  3.废水治理设施数(套)   number of facilities for treatment of waste water (set) 3559 4176
  4.废水治理设施处理能力(万吨/日)   homdling ability of facilities for treatment of waste 316.61 320.41
   water (10000 tons per day)
  5.废水治理设施设备运行费用(万元)   operation expenditure of facilities (10000 yuan) 34024 36647.4
  6.工业废水排放量(万吨)   volume of waste water discharged (10000 tons) *69724 78510.79
    #直接排入海的(万吨)     discharged directly into sea (10000 tons) *16203 26567.89
      排入污水处理厂的(万吨)     discharged into factories for waste water treatment 4108.14 5328.64
     (10000 tons)
  7.工业废水排放达标量(万吨)   voume of industrial waste water up to the discharge 106377.68 75093.97
  8.工业废水排放达标率(%)   rate of industrial waste water up to the discharge standards 95.0 95.7
  9.工业废水中污染物去除量   volume of pallutants in waste water removed
      挥发酚(吨)     volatils hydroxybenzene (ton) 200.51 282.90
      氰化物(吨)     cyanide (ton) 105.70 238.45
      化学需氧量(吨)     voume of oxygen required chermically (ton) 350033.71 362833.27
      #当年新增设施去除的(吨)     volume of pollutants discharged by new facilities of 24531.79 11764.49
     the year (ton)
      石油类(吨)     petroleum (ton) 1397.35 3522.62
      氨氮(吨)     ammonia and nitrogen (ton) 10263.52 9921.65
  10.工业废水中污染物排放量   volume of pollutants in waste water discharged
      汞(吨)     hydrargyrum (ton) 0.06 0.06
      镉(吨)     cadmium (ton) 0.36 0.26
      六价铬(吨)     hexadic chromium (ton) 4.47 2.84
      铅(吨)     plumum (ton) 5.53 2.49
      砷(吨)     arsenic 0.46 0.55
      挥发酚(吨)     volatile hydroxybenzene (ton) 11.12 11.24
      氰化物(吨)     cyanide (ton) 8.91 10.01
      化学需氧量(吨)     volume of oxygen required chemically (ton) 105828.80 84395.30
      石油类(吨)     petroleum (ton) 622.20 386.35
      氨氮(吨)     ammonia and nitrogen (ton) 8680.16 9189.56
三、工业废气 industrial waste gas                
  1.煤炭消费总量(万吨)   total consumption of coal (10000 tons) 1747.15 2204.73
    #燃料煤消费量(万吨)     consumption of coal as fuel (10000 tons) 1335.37 1692.98
      原料煤消费量(万吨)     consumption of coal as raw materials  411.78 511.75
  2.燃料油消费量(不含车船用)(万吨)   consumption of fuel oil (excluding that for 87.81 74.71
   vehicles and ressels) (10000 tons)
    #重油(万吨)     heavy oil (10000 tons) 51.57 45.26
      柴油(万吨)     diesel oil (10000 tons) 35.92 29.29
  3.天然气消费量(万立方米)   consumption of natural gas (10000 cu.m) 4375 4329
  4.工业废气排放总量(万标立方米)   total volume of waste gas emission 33052384 35646007
   (10000 cu.m)
    #燃料燃烧过程中排放量(万标立方米)     volume of waste gas from the burning process of 16106973 18448944
     fuels (10000 cu.m)
      生产工艺过程中排放量(万标立方米)     volume of waste gas from the process of 16945411 17197063
     production (10000 cu.m)
  5.废气治理设施数(套)   number of facilities fro treatment of waste gas 4844 4902
    #脱硫设施数(套)     number of sulphur removed facilities (set) 410 324
  6.废气治理设施处理能力(万标立方米/时)   handling ability of facilities for treatment 7503.48 7386.81
   (10000 cu.m per hour)
    #脱硫设施脱硫能力(吨/时)     sulphur removed ability of sulphur removed 469.18 74.24
     facilities (ton per hour)
  7.废气治理设施设备运行费用(万元)   expenditure on facilities for treatment 21140 45650.9
   of waste gas (10000 yuan)
  8.二氧化硫去除量(吨)   volume of sulphur dioxide removed (ton) 34093.81 43789.27
    #燃料燃烧过程中去除的(吨)     removed sulphur dioxide during fuel burning 31022.53 40080.11
      生产工艺过程中去除的(吨)     removed sulphur dioxide during production 3071.28 3709.17
     process (ton)
    #当年新增设施数去除的(吨)     removed sulphur dioxide by new facilities of the 95.38 6777.90
     year (ton)
  9.二氧化硫排放量(吨)   voum of sulphur dioxide emission (ton) 186120.85 181196.42
    #燃料燃烧立程中排放的(吨)     sulphur dioxide emitted during fuel burning 168935.71 165811.42
     process (ton)
      #排放达标量(吨)     volume of sulphur dioxide up to the emission 146538.76 156935.04
     standards (ton)
      生产工艺过程中排放的(吨)     sulphur dioxide emitted during fuel burning 17185.14 15385.00
     process (ton)
      #排放达标量(吨)     volume of sulphur dioxide up to the emission 15357.39 14717.68
     standards (ton)
  10.烟尘去除量(吨)   volume of soot removed (ton) 1693802.90 2631454.89
  11.烟尘排放量(吨)   volume of soot emission (ton) 90129.49 74771.50
    #排放达标量(吨)   volume of soot up to the emmission standards   (ton) 73086.02 66937.48
  12.工业粉尘去除量(吨)   volume of industrial dust removed (ton) 1539814.18 1746451.50
  13.工业粉尘排放量(吨)   volume of industrial dust emission (ton) 159320.02 147550.08
    #排放达标量(吨)     volume of sulphur dioxide up to the emission 97847.71 101723.23
     standards (ton)
四、工业固体废物 industrial solid wastes              
  1.工业固体废物产生量(万吨)   volume of industrial solid wastes produced (10000 tons) 5133.09 4130.96
      危险废物(万吨)     dangerous wastes (10000 tons) 4.38 4.81
      冶炼废渣(万吨)     waste residue after smelting (10000 tons) 87.86 74.60
      粉媒灰(万吨)     coal powder (10000 tons) 175.31 264.63
      炉渣(万吨)     store residue (10000 tons) 126.37 115.40
      煤矸石(万吨)     waste coal rock (10000 tons) 134.43 149.99
      尾矿(万吨)     gangue (10000 tons) 166.27 1194.50
      放射性废物(万吨)     radioactive wastes (10000 tons) 0.22 0.09
      其他废物(万吨)     other wastes (10000 tons) 3838.98 1853.10
  2.工业固体废物综合利用量(万吨)   volume of industrial solid wastes utilized in a 2840.03 1574.86
   comprehesive way (10000 yuan)
      危险废物(万吨)     dangerous wastes (10000 tons) 2.93 3.37
      冶炼废渣(万吨)     waste residue after smelting (10000 tons) 84.12 77.73
      粉媒灰(万吨)     coal powder (10000 tons) 130.09 195.92
      炉渣(万吨)     store residue (10000 tons) 125.81 112.31
      煤矸石(万吨)     waste coal rock (10000 tons) 68.35 74.43
      尾矿(万吨)     gangue (10000 tons) 73.55 802.15
      其他废物(万吨)     other wastes (10000 tons) 2046.01 162.22
      #综合利用往年贮存量(万吨)     volume of industrial solid wastes accumulated in previous 23.31 23.37
     years and utilized in a comprehensive way (10000 tons)
  3.工业固体废物综合利用率(%)   rate of industrial solid wastes utilized in a comprehensive 55.1 38.1
  4.工业固体废物贮存量(万吨)   volume of industrial solid wastes accumulated (10000 tons) 334.11 90.97
    #危险废物贮存量(万吨)   volume of dangerous wastes accumulated (10000 tons) 0.01 0.03
  5.工业固体废物处置量(万吨)   volume of industrial solid wastes treated (10000 tons) 1992.09 2483.83
    #危险废物处置量(万吨)   volume of dangerous wastes treated (10000 tons) 1.46 1.43
      #送往集中处置场处置的(万吨)   volume of solid wastes treated in concentrative fields 0.77 0.17
   (10000 tons)
    #处置往年贮存量(万吨)   volume of industrial solid wastes treated, which have been 19.45 1.04
   accumulated in previous years (10000 tons)
  6.工业固体废物排放量(万吨)   volume of industrial solid wastes discharged (10000 tons) 9.61 5.70
    #危险废物排放量(吨)     volume of dangerous wastes discharged (10000 tons) 0.50 0.50
note:ajusted statistics by state environmental protection administration