14-30  广播电视基本情况
basic statistics on broadcasting and television
  广播事业 电视事业
broadcasting television
              每日播   每日制   覆盖率  电视台   每周播 每日制 覆盖率
                   音时间   作节目               出时间 作节目
  (座)     (套)   (时:分)  (时:分)    (%)   (座) (套) (时:分) (时:分) (%)
year broadcasting stations (set)  number of programs (set) broadcasting hours per day (hour) produced programs  per day (hour) listener rating  television stations (set) number of programs (set) broadcasting hours per week produced programs   per day received rating
1978 3 4    60:25                   1 1       15:41           
1980 3 4    63:50          40 1 1       27:00          60
1985 3 4    61:20    17:36 55 3 4      230:00     3:16 65
1990 9 12   110:42    29:52 67 9 10      367:53     3:34 82
1995 47 50   701:57   194:09 86 13 15      909:09    17:07 90
1996 48 54   765:08   211:45 90 14 15      920:39    18:26 91
1997 48 54   764:27   243:34 91 14 15     1208:05    25:46 94
1998 9 58   752:54   297:09 93 10 15     1384:09    24:57 95
1999 9 58   869:59   319:43 95 10 16     1596:39    39:54 97
2000 9 72   1035:07   355:05 96 10 16     1612:15    45:15 97
2001 9 74 1044:53 386:57 96 10 89     8002:15   139:17 97
2002 10 76 1092:56 425:54 96 10 31     4101:23   114:35 98
note:a)the statistic scope of  television has been adjusted since 2001. b)provincial statistics excluded television channels at county level in 2002, including some self-produced programs only.