14-28  文化部门按剧种分艺术表演团体演出情况(2002年)
basic statistics on performance of art troupes in culture, 2002
剧团数 从业人员 本年新排 本团创作 演出场次 演出观众 演出收入
    上演剧目 首演剧目        
(个) (人) (个) (个) (千次) (千人次) (千元)
number of troupes (unit) persons employed (person) plays new performed (unit) plays created and performed first by the troupes (unit) number of perfor number of spectators (1000 person-times) income from perfor-mance (1000 yuan)
-mance (1000 shows)
      total 96 4643 386 194 15.26 25340 22930
话剧、儿童剧、滑稽剧团  drama, children's play and 1 108 2 1 0.20 200 448
  comedy troupes
歌剧、舞蹈、歌舞剧团 opera, dance, song and 5 386 45 43 1 1115 1945
  dance drama
歌舞团、轻音乐团 song and dance, light 11 582 126 75 1 831 2039
  music troupes
戏曲剧团 local opera troupes 70 3143 203 70 12 22669 17527
#京剧 local beijing opera troupes 2 131 4   0.06 75 191
曲、杂、木、皮剧 recitation and ballad troupes, acrobatics and circus troupes, puppet show troupes and shadow play troupes 7 293 6 5 1 450 780