14-25  中等专业学校分科学生数(2002年)
number of student enrollment in specialized secondary schools by field of study (2002)
单位:人     (person)
毕业生数   招生数  #招初中 在校生数
graduates new student enrollment  junior secondury graduates student enrollment
  total 37773 42261 42261 130872
中等技术学校 secondary technical schools 32559 40662 40662 124042
  工业学校     industry schools 12283 16499 16499 51549
  农业学校     agriculture schools 6230 5322 5322 15661
  林业学校     forestry schools  1232 1258 1258 4453
  医药学校     health schools 3478 5977 5977 12216
  财经学校     economics and finance schools 6989 8622 8622 26731
  政法学校     politics and law 583 1212 1212 2825
  体育学校     physical culture schools 292 362 362 1101
  艺术学校     art schools 921 1212 1212 3596
  其他学校     others   551 198 198 910
中等师范学校 secondary teacher training schools 5214 1599 1599 6830