14-9  各单位专利申请授权情况 (1990-2002年)
partent applicated and granted by unit (1990-2002)
单位:项   (unit)
     大专院校 科研院所 工矿企业 机关团体
item total individual universities
and college
industrial and
mineral enterprises
government agencies
and organizations
number of patent applicated
1990 540 371 22 27 71 49
1991 672 493 30 20 75 54
1992 928 699 29 11 76 113
1993 1271 853 36 29 163 190
1994 1510 964 25 33 157 311
1995 1979 1246 16 28 512 178
1996 2626 1608 47 22 923 26
1997 3018 1748 27 30 1202 11
1998 3393 2069 32 39 1245 8
1999 3381 2257 14 31 1074 5
2000 4211 2839 58 34 1271 9
2001 4971 3511 49 38 1361 12
2002 6521 4849 84 85 1493 10
number of patent granted
1990 276 192 25 16 38 5
1991 277 168 19 15 39 36
1992 352 247 18 12 42 33
1993 850 589 29 14 93 125
1994 733 477 20 16 82 138
1995 933 534 19 10 154 216
1996 1196 638 13 9 395 141
1997 1547 776 21 10 722 18
1998 2318 1222 9 2 1071 4
1999 2934 1712 29 22 1158 13
2000 3003 1945 30 13 1006 9
2001 3296 2078 38 28 1144 8
2002 4001 2930 35 19 1006 11