14-6  县级以上政府部门科学研究与开发机构情况
govemment institutions engaged in science research and development activities
above county level
                           item 1995 2000 2001 2002
机构数(个) number of institutions(unit) 129 125 114 109
职工人数(人) number of staff(person) 8217 6796 6206 5631
1.自然科学 natural sciences and technology           
  机构数(个)   number of institutions(unit) 109 107 98 93
  职工人数(人)   number of staff(person) 7513 6215 5671 5099
  #从事科技活动人员(人)     persons engaged in scientific and technological
     activities (person)
5660 4723 4374 4028
    #科学家、工程师(人)       scientists and engineers (person) 3644 3358 3039 2746
  经费收入总额(万元)   total funds (10000 yuan) 23799 42187 51377 51916
  #政府拨款(万元)     government appropriations (10000 yuan) 13328 22566 29139 32097
  经费支出总额(万元)   total expenditures (10000 yuan) 23975 36449 46141 46892
2.社会、人文科学 social sciences and humanities            
  机构数(个)   number of institutions(unit) 5 4 3 3
  职工人数(人)   number of staff(person) 298 236 215 218
  #从事科技活动人员(人)     persons engaged in scientific and technological
255 207 188 192
    #科学家、工程师(人)       scientists and engineers(person) 229 174 146 152
  经费收入总额(万元)   total funds (10000 yuan)  991 1543 1972 2067
  #政府拨款(万元)     government appropriations (10000 yuan) 973 1489 1736 1838
  经费支出总额(万元)   total expenditures (10000 yuan) 949 1443 1861 1911
3.科学情报和文献 scientific-technical information and literature           
  机构数(个)   number of institutions(unit) 15 14 13 13
  职工人数(人)   number of staff (person) 406 345 320 314
  #从事科技活动人员(人)     persons engaged in scientific and technological
352 305 282 277
    #科学家、工程师(人)       scientists and engineers(person) 268 219 207 201
  经费收入总额(万元)   total funds (10000 yuan) 1249 2748 2751 2662
  #政府拨款(万元)   government appropriations (10000 yuan) 1016 2297 2418 2259
  经费支出总额(万元)   total expenditures (10000 yuan) 1130 2680 2306 2574