14-2  地方国有企事业单位各行业技术人员数
specialized technical personnel in local state-owned enterprises and institutions by sector
单位:人       (person)
     sector 1995 2000 2001 2002
                         total                 509638 592765 587761 582288
  农林牧渔业                       farming, forestry, animal husbandry
   and fishery              
29131 29098 28702 27853
  采掘业                           mining and quarrying           7361 4833 4414 3871
  制造业                           manufacturing   56193 33716 29223 24099
  电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业     production and supply of electricity gas
   and water
3607 4115 3269 3410
  建筑业                           construction                         6302 7913 8340 8196
  地质勘查和水利管理业             geological prospecting and
   water conservancy          
5650 9579 9209 9009
  交通运输、仓储和邮电通信业       transport, storage, post &
13294 14235 14895 14082
  批发零售贸易和餐饮业             wholesale and retail trade &
   catering services          
22940 15119 13364 12154
  金融保险业                       finance and insurance   1928 4571 4076 3101
  房地产业                         real estate               1104 1532 1467 1267
  社会服务业                       social services                     6749 16821 19225 16700
  卫生体育和社会福利业             health care, sport & social welfare           41898 54606 56089 58732
  教育、文化艺术和广播电影电视业   education, culture and arts, radio, film
   and television
292060 373215 376513 380776
  科学研究和综合技术服务业         scientific research and polytechnic services       8766 11010 12127 10934
  其他                             others   12655 12402 7948 8104
按三次产业分 by three industries  
  第一产业                         primary industry                  29131 29098 28072 27853
  第二产业                         secondary industry                     73463 50577 45246 39576
  第三产业                         tertiary industry                  407044 513090 514443 514859