13-29  福州经济技术开发区主要经济指标
 major indicators of fuzhou mawei economic and technical development zone
      item 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002
工业总产值(亿元) total industry output (100 million yuan ) 7.06 49.94 164.63 158.18 179.79
#外商投资企业 enterprises with foreign investment 4.31 35.67 102.77 125.77 155.20
外贸出口总额(万美元)            total of exports (usd 10000) 4762 31994 44651 46034 50524
外商直接投资合同数(项) number of utilization of foreign direct 25 97 33 30 53
 investment contracts (unit)
外商直接投资合同外资金额 foreign amount of foreign fundsin foreign direct investment contracts (usd 10000) 2780 29154 13832 14949 30430
实际利用外资金额(万美元) total amount of foreign captial actually used  (usd 10000) 2402 10218 15081 18753 21608
本年新投产外商投资企业() enterprises  started this year with 11 19 33 14 17
  foreign capital (unit)