13-28  厦门经济特区主要经济指标
major indicators of xiamen special economic zone  
                     item 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002  
工业总产值(亿元) total industrial output (100 million yuan)
64.91 337.65 699.14 803.29 1025.49  
#外商投资企业                 foreign funded enterprises 36.50 247.18 593.03 673.50 867.03  
外贸出口总额(万美元)          total of exports (usd 10000) 78148 347915 587982 650355 879376  
接待海外旅游人数(人次)   number of international tourists (person-time) 210759 254409 424920 502332 673718  
利用外商直接投资合同数 number of utilization of foreign direct 248 505 259 343 380  
  (旧口径)(项)    investment contracts (old scope)(unit)
利用外商直接投资合同数 number of utilization of foreign direct         380  
  (新口径)(项)    investment contracts(new scope)(unit)
利用外商直接投资合同金额 amount of utilization of foreign direct 41885 206241 100400 120342 138632  
  (旧口径)(万美元)  invesment contracts (old scope)(usd 10000)
利用外商直接投资合同金额 amount of utilization of foreign direct 41885 206241 100400 120342 69026  
  (新口径)(万美元)  invesment contracts ( new scope)(usd 10000)
实际利用外商直接投资金额 total amount of foreign captial actually 5273 132160 103150 82521 89168  
  (旧口径)(万美元)   used( old scope)(usd 10000)
实际利用外商直接投资金额 total amount of foreign captial actually 5273 132160 103150 82521 62093  
  (新口径)(万美元)   used( new scope)(usd 10000)
期末外商投资企业数() number of enterprises with foreign fund 506 2855 4237 4381 4554  
  at the year-end (unit)