13-23  接待海外旅游人数(1979-2002年)
foreign tourists (1979-2002)
单位:人次         (person-time)
#外国人  #华    #港澳同胞  #台湾同胞  
year   total   foreigner overseas chinese compatriots from compatriots from taiwan
hong kong and macao
1979 115214 21020 16502 77633 59
1980 135059 25498 18226 91216 119
1981 173351 27208 23290 121979 874
1982 177835 27352 24778 124035 1670
1983 211529 41521 28107 135069 6832
1984 270443 53831 29165 180793 6654
1985 355748 76719 25471 244965 8593
1986 362320 89737 36446 227428 8709
1987 410821 98541 36947 259640 15693
1988 522082 93012 17326 265906 145838
1989 504594 71561 10173 213369 209491
1990 707903 87751 17623 239714 362815
1991 686023 122162 18975 262883 282003
1992 816076 159043 23209 300534 333290
1993 880344 192997 18922 320388 348037
1994 844503 199394 29010 343905 272194
1995 906406 224110 32830 397957 251509
1996 1045658 275710 36151 461999 271798
1997 1173932 322693 37398 501074 312767
1998 1217795 326787 47097 488285 355626
1999 1356042 353045 55990 532385 414622
*2000 1613349 428946 68520 567989 477894
*2001 1634841 465152   585478 494211
*2002 1848214 528015   615931 470368
note:the data of total from 2000 include the foreign tourists of one day