13-22  对外承包工程和劳务合作主要指标(1980-2002年)
contracted projects and labor service cooperation with foreign countries ,1980-2002
    合同数(个)                  合同金额    
#承包工程    #劳务合作  (万美元) #承包工程  #劳务合作  
year number of contracts contracted projects  labor services cooperation contracted value  contracted projects labor services cooperation
unit   (usd 10000)
1980 4          4 113          113
1981 13 2 11 97 4 93
1982 15 3 12 152 7 145
1983 33 3 30 771 139 632
1984 112 6 106 3610 716 2894
1985 75 22 53 4268 3175 1093
1986 88 17 71 10563 8232 2331
1987 122 43 79 9018 6620 2398
1988 178 36 142 16428 9816 6612
1989 338 36 302 18637 12884 5753
1990 1167 26 1141 17598 11098 6499
1991 1982 24 1958 31654 16378 15281
1992 1933 38 1895 49817 33190 16627
1993 3172 47 3125 68022 43596 24426
1994 2562 28 2534 70925 48461 22464
1995 2821 21 2800 63185 35641 27544
1996 2490 34 2456 48309 24890 23419
1997 2876 24 2852 42748 14068 28680
1998 2858 33 2814 43918 19436 24356
1999 2249 19 2219 36125 6227 29805
2000 2253 27 2219 42093 12486 29562
2001 2537 31 2484 57542 16262 36934
2002 890 45 845 40906 23765 17141
年份  完成营业额     年末在外人数    
(万美元) #承包工程    #劳务合作  (人) #承包工程    #劳务合作 
 year             value of business fulfilled contracted projects  labor services cooperation number of persons abroad at the year-end (person) contracted projects  labor services cooperation
(usd 10000)
1980 8          8 34          34
1981 42 4 38 213 4 209
1982 98 16 82 341 6 335
1983 237 21 216 447 8 439
1984 397 153 244 2157 20 2137
1985 1728 1324 404 2432 72 2360
1986 4615 3634 981 4134 85 4049
1987 7463 5790 1673 6206 103 6103
1988 9602 7512 2090 8109 189 7920
1989 14275 11857 2418 9144 143 9001
1990 16144 13312 2832 9686 125 9561
1991 19320 14294 5026 16262 66 16196
1992 27535 20413 7122 21439 93 21346
1993 39671 28682 10989 29791 82 29709
1994 47214 31981 15233 34289 85 34204
1995 41373 21406 19967 43859 148 43711
1996 42631 20380 22251 48337 38 48299
1997 48264 19254 29020 55358 137 55221
1998 51865 15617 36105 54618 119 54497
1999 44661 8569 35977 56757 117 56638
2000 44878 10373 34479 53847 162 53685
2001 49797 14697 33735 59688 126 59561
2002 46359 16266 30093 50513 329 50184