13-10  外商直接投资合同数和合同金额(1979-2002年)
number and value of signed contracts for direct foreign investment (1979-2002)
      #合资企业 #合作企业 #独资企业
year foreign direct investments joint ventures cooperative operation      sole-foreign enterprises
合同数(项)numbers (unit)                           
1979 5 2 3         
1980 15 6 9         
1981 16 1 15         
1982 14 4 9 1
1983 18 8 10         
1984 236 113 116 7
1985 395 206 182 7
1986 109 70 34 5
1987 215 140 60 15
1988 813 496 188 129
1989 872 436 123 313
1990 1043 432 94 517
1991 1219 575 80 564
1992 3113 1375 191 1547
1993 4714 1775 264 2675
1994 3026 1017 179 1830
1995 2728 829 119 1780
1996 1987 505 67 1415
1997 2298 408 41 1849
1998 2006 420 45 1541
1999 1439 281 41 1117
2000 1463 281 27 1155
2001 1670 260 14 1395
2002(新口径) 1825 233 66 1526
(new scope)  
2002(旧口径) 1825 233 66 1526
(old scope)  
合同外资金额(万美元)amount of utilization of foreign capitals throughsigned contracts or agreements (usd 10000)
1979 105 19 86         
1980 464 378 86         
1981 1906 56 1850         
1982 1612 1034 128 450
1983 2120 1930 190         
1984 20097 12187 6473 1437
1985 37681 24276 12906 499
1986 6456 5355 941 160
1987 11753 7771 1950 2032
1988 46260 24545 7524 14191
1989 90258 27039 5618 57601
1990 116183 28488 7259 80436
1991 144871 36082 23457 85332
1992 635101 157962 91108 386031
1993 1136617 239879 146164 750574
1994 717946 211903 87943 418100
1995 890647 175384 101147 614116
1996 653572 97635 32303 523634
1997 453751 89035 25428 338989
1998 500150 105163 36999 357988
1999 489996 103378 37356 349262
2000 431373 51242 9971 370160
2001 500717 101008 9592 388588
2002(新口径) 390089 45016 21686 317205
(new scope)  
2002(旧口径) 694419 71616 28398 588223
(old scope)        
note:the data of foreign direct investment from 1997 include share holding enterprises. same as follows