13-7  按类章分进出口总额
value of exports and imports by category
单位:万美元       (usd 10000)
          item 2001 2002
exports imports exports imports
一、初级产品               primary goods             129874 100829 136874 114252
    食品及活动物   food and live animals                         120429 23077 126047 27329
      活动物           live animals                       249 101 306 93
      肉及肉制品       meat and meat products                       2609 255 3176 1108
      乳品及蛋品               dairy products and eggs               557 334 595 337
      鱼、甲壳及软体类动物及     fish, shellfish, mollusks and other
     aquatic invertebrates    
54273 2833 56443 1994
        其制品      aquatic invertebrates    
      谷物及其制品     cereals and products                       873 140 828 219
      蔬菜及水果               vegetable and fruits               47681 859 50263 870
      糖、糖制品及蜂蜜        sugar ,sugar products and honey               1588 202 2267 115
      咖啡、茶、可可、调味料及     coffee, tea, coca, spices and their
6769 60 5807 128
        其制品       products   
      饲料(不包括未碾磨谷物)     forage             2308 16003 2585 20428
      杂项食品     others                           3522 2289 3776 2037
    饮料及烟类   beverages and tobacco                           1024 271 1357 184
      饮料                  beverages                  208 36 283 53
      烟草及其制品       tobacco and tobacco products                     816 236 1074 131
    非食用原料(燃料除外)             non-edible raw materials       7549 63363 8435 70539
      生皮及生毛皮             raw hides and furs                 622   543
      油籽及含油果实         oil seeds and kernels                199 16 85 4140
      生橡胶     raw rubber    13 12189 14 12332
      软木及木材     cork and wood                         1155 6586 1260 7989
      纸浆及废纸        paper pulp and  waster paper                    30 12254 35 9480
      纺织纤维(羊毛条除外)及     textile fiber and related scrap
     (excluding fleece)     
113 5742 168 5973
        其废料      (excluding fleece)     
      天然肥料及矿物     natural fertilizers and mineral 4304 18082 4976 21918
        (煤、石油及宝石除外)      (excluding coal, petroleum and germ)
      金属矿砂及金属废料               metals ore and scrap        7035 2 7040
      其他动、植物原料         other animal and vegetable raw materials               1734 837 1897 1124
    矿物燃料、润滑油及有关原料           mineral fuels, lubrication oil and 
   related materials 
831 12082 1022 12237
   related materials 
      煤、焦炭及煤砖     coal, coke and briquette                     390   583 1504
      石油、石油产品及有关原料     petroleum, petroleum products and
     related materials    
439 9387 438 8286
     related materials    
      天然气及人造气     natural gas and man-made gas                     2 2695   2447
    动植物油、脂及蜡                 animal and vegetable oil ,fats and wax       41 2036 13 3964
      动物油、脂                            animal oil and fats    93   103
      植物油、脂              vegetable oils and fats                 10 1448 7 3139
      已加工的动植物油、脂及     processed animal and vegetable oils,
     fats and wax    
31 495 7 723
        动植物蜡      fats and wax    
二、工业制品    industry goods                        1262709 769540 1600376 988475
    化学成品及有关产品   chemicals and related  products                  39144 124293 41029 143216
      有机化学品                             organic chemicals                     7166 30688 9294 39743
      无机化学品                                      inorganic chemicals  11114 2795 9665 2927
      染料、鞣料及着色料        dyestuff , tanning extracts and dye
483 9149 367 10789
      医药品           medicines                       5598 1046 6406 1314
      精油、香料及盥洗、光洁制品      essential oils, perfumed materials and cosmetics       4383 1135 5524 1499
      制成废料                    waste products           294 863 134 1117
      初级形状的塑料          plastics of primary pattern                   993 57091 1139 61716
      非初级形状的塑料       plastics of non primary pattern                 2409 11279 2681 11889
      其他化学原料及产品       other chemical raw and products               6705 10248 5819 12221
    按原料分类的制成品               products by raw material 214165 198520 243458 216159
      皮革、皮革制品及已鞣毛皮       leather, leather products and tanned
3164 21988 3422 26163
      橡胶制品     rubber products                           9855 2825 10917 3387
      软木及木制品(家具除外)     cork and wooden products
     (excluding furniture)                         
20676 1271 23830 1719
     (excluding furniture)                         
      纸及纸板;纸浆、纸及纸板     paper and paperboard, articles of paper
     pulp or paper and paperboard products      
6394 11530 7084 14333
        制品       pulp or paper and paperboard products      
      纺纱、织物、制成品及有关     spin textile products and related 37954 59430 42400 62056
        产品        products
      非金属矿物制品              non metal minerals products            92959 17768 104170 22712
      钢铁          steel 5035 52664 5166 53300
      有色金属                             non-ferrous metal  5338 20903 4979 20921
      金属制品                             metal products 32789 10141 41489 11569
    机械及运输设备                 machinery and transport equipments         360773 374468 550778 509930
      动力机械及设备                    power machinery and equipments      9526 27734 13037 32377
      特种工业专用机械               special industry equipment         2467 54795 3386 61754
      金工机械          metal working  machinery          859 8399 1314 12324
      通用工业机械设备及零件         ordinary industry machinery and parts        25119 38127 38582 54282
      办公用机械及自动数据处理     clerical machinery and automatic data processing
114999 50586 244286 88133
        设备      equipments      
      电信及声音的录制及重放装     telecommunications and sound record 51317 18532 61997 39653
        置设备          and replay equipment
      电力机械、器具及其电气零件     power machinery and parts         106981 141576 117879 185960
      陆路车辆(包括气垫式)     land vehicles(include hovercraft)               18887 9997 21771 11106
      其他运输设备                          other transportation equipment   30619 24723 48525 24341
    杂项制品                           miscellaneous manufactured articles     648049 63679 764788 110500
      活动房屋;卫生 水道 供热及     movable room, sanitary equipment,
     supply of hot and lighting apparatus 
3207 313 4016 423
        照明装置      supply of hot and lighting apparatus 
      家具及其零件:褥垫及类似     furniture and related parts     46157 685 51401 553
      旅行用品、手提包及类似品         tour goods, handbags and related
30210 654 37657 487
      服装及衣着附件     garments and related parts                     145081 1716 207055 1976
      鞋靴          footwears         193629 7119 209901 6244
      专业、科学及控制用仪器     special, scientific and controlled
     instruments and equipment     
10416 28114 11800 72274
        和装置          instruments and equipment     
      摄影器材、光学物品及钟表     photographic, optical instruments and
44823 10691 52500 13237
      杂项制品     other miscellaneous manufactured
174528 14387 190457 15306
      未分类的商品     unclassified goods                         579 8579 323 8670
note:the data in this table were obtained by fujian provincial bureau of  foreign trade and economy according to customs statistics.