13-3  按主要贸易方式分进口商品贸易额(1997-2002年)
value of imports by main trade mode (1997-2002)
单位:万美元           (usd 10000)
                   item 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
                total                    769720 719678 726763 831504 870369 1102796
#一般贸易    general trade                            77351 110818 228078 271095 301697 370868
  华侨、港澳台胞、外籍   donation of overseas 5 181 147 6 26 18
    华人捐赠物资     chinese   
  来料加工装配贸易             processing and assembling 64776 43568 49431 59377 63483 65316
   with custormer’s materials          
  进料加工贸易          processing and assembling 319766 313798 302560 358368 342356 422137
   with imports materials       
  来料加工装配进口   processing equipments               6 31 43 246 395 253
  外商投资企业作为投资   foreign funded equipments 105936 120346 92199 80631 88553 103060
  免税外汇商品                         tax-free foreign exchange 1495 2194 3301 348 21 23
  保税仓库进出境货物       imports and exports of 145264 84839 37867 35038 31720 36919
    bonded warehouse             
  保税区仓储转口货物   transit goods of warehouse
    in bonded area                     
54682 43557 12988 21160 40286 103931