12-16  商品交易市场主要经济指标(2002年)
main financial indicators of commodity markets, 2002
    item 市场数 摊位数  
投 资 额
(个) (个) (万元) (平方米) (万元)
number of markets (unit) number of stalls (unit) transaction value (10000 yuan) operation area (sq.m) value of capital assets investment (10000 yuan)
   total 1307 181703 6260800 6983875 628899
按经营环境分 by operating circumstance  
  露天式  outdoor 152 14733 294841 1818823 15034
  封闭式  indoor 910 131454 5380754 4142694 527714
  其他  others 245 35516 585205 1022358 86151
按营业状态分 by operating status  
  常年营业  perennial operation 1221 172004 6203662 6819465 611382
  季节性营业  seasonal operation 24 2278 23442 62814 1817
  其它  others 62 7421 33696 101596 15700
按经营方式分 by operating mode  
  批发(或以批发为主)  whole sale (or wholesale as the main mode) 168 28683 3273602 4021441 312535
  零售(或以零售为主)  retail (or retail as the main mode) 1139 153020 2987198 2962434 316364
按市场类别分 by market category  
  综合市场  general markets 1064 152233 3593761 4281103 388709
    工业品综合市场   industrial general markets 22 4428 761028 317669 115939
    农副产品综合市场   general markets for farm products and by products 905 120831 2421419 3484377 190498
    其它综合市场   other general markets 137 26974 411314 479057 82272
  专业市场  special markets 238 29245 2666476 2700912 240139
    纺织品服装鞋贸市场   markets for textiles, clothing, shoes and hats 56 8628 163410 476330 44059
    食品饮料烟酒市场   markets for food, beverage, tobacco and liquor 13 1490 42290 74735 19532
    家具市场   markets for furnitures 2 170 17470 45168 1650
    小商品市场   markets for small commodities 16 1987 31853 115644 13784
  markets for culture products, videoproducts,
   newspapers and magazines
1 132 13559 18624 500
    旧货市场   markets for second hand 10 342 6139 35914 2511
    机动车市场   markets for mechanically-propelled vehicles 11 334 201066 126774 6413
    金属材料市场   markets for metal materials 2 617 189231 218134 1420
    木材市场   markets for wood 10 874 9252 279540 19283
    建材装修材料市场   markets for building and decoration materials 21 3102 463223 322526 41390
    粮油市场   markets for grain and oil 5 486 280855 68000 6814
    干鲜果品市场   markets for drysaltery of fresh fruits 21 1458 111120 76541 10361
    水产品市场   markets for aquatic products 12 1689 628384 119840 23435
    疏菜市场   markets for vegetables 24 3769 215892 263386 16161
    肉食禽蛋市场   markets for meat, poultry and eggs 6 429 57388 24795 7844
    土畜产品市场   markets for livestock products 10 544 10777 31018 1120
    农业生产资料市场   markets for agricultural product materials 4 105 102734 88880 2865
    餐饮业市场   markets for catering services 1 200 929 7756 500
    其他专业市场   other special markets 13 2889 120904 307307 20497
  其他市场   other markets 5 225 563 1860 51