12-6   限额以上零售贸易企业财务状况(2002)  
financial indicators of rdtail sales enterprises above designated size,2002  
单位:万元                     (10000 yuan)
       item 流动资产   固定资产 固定资产      
所有者权益合计 商品销售 商品销   商品销售 商品销 代购代   管理费用 财务费用 营业利润 补贴收入 利润总额 应付工资 应付福利     销 项
                      收入净额 售成本   税金及附加 售利润 销收入       费 总 额 增值税   税 额
total circulating funds longterm investment total fixed asset oringinal prices of fixed assets accumulated depreciation total assess total liabilities total creditors equity net sales revenue cose of  sales  operating expenses sales tax and extra changes sales profits commission sales revenue profits of main business manage fianancial cost business profits subsidiary revenue total profits total payable wage total payable welfare payable taxes on walue-added purchases taxes sales taxes
-ment cost
        total 615706 55272 317384 350569 68459 1048731 654197 394534 1791934 1581100 99412 6994 104428 425 104852 74398 8874 16077 5325 29881 48385 7381 56087 257380 384459
#国有及国有控股  state-owned and state-holding   204301 9736 170547 193214 42560 415028 279152 135876 739838 638997 39328 2547 58966 225 59190 37704 3032 8324 3820 14574 21909 3633 36648 110217 111608
按登记注册类型分 by type of registration  
  内资企业   domestic funded enterprises 595438 50902 311529 342596 66340 1015090 621909 393182 1746648 1542734 91068 6977 105869 425 106294 72840 8741 21135 5325 34920 47543 7295 54623 251409 377050
    国有企业   state-owned enterprises 123521 7820 97815 103947 23339 228903 147676 81226 304025 259088 20965 1344 22628 223 22851 23197 3254 1677 1467 3300 13552 1882 7314 36054 41365
    集体企业   collective-owned enterprises 27298 3195 9566 11328 3736 40942 21450 19492 71088 61675 4379 830 4203 30 4233 4039 804 400 1 1250 2979 373 1109 5540 6295
    股份合作企业   cooperative enterprises 7651 597 5400 5174 673 14687 7545 7142 36102 32715 1196 74 2118 38 2155 1316 185 761   778 764 138 511 5369 5826
    联营企业   joint ownership enterprises 5506   3624 5149 1554 10141 3681 6460 36811 33981 823 94 1914 0 1914 3283 576 -1811 2366 3458 717 87 838 16079 6264
    有限责任公司   limited liability corporations 112225 12913 43093 49683 8801 179122 116520 62601 366164 318510 24424 1578 21652 3 21655 17066 1314 5817 -12 8643 14760 2256 6689 44558 51172
    股份有限公司   share-holding corporations ltd. 125728 19234 93936 111383 18949 269462 143435 126027 342030 288935 12408 766 39920   39920 10008 1053 10256 1278 12827 5719 820 29445 51605 58828
    私营企业   private enterprises 190315 7143 58013 55842 9280 268558 178799 89760 580327 539547 25500 2261 13019 131 13150 13282 1587 3910 212 4510 8534 1554 8442 90394 205233
    其他企业   other onterprises 3194   82 90 8 3275 2803 474 10101 8283 1373 30 415   416 649 -32 125 13 154 518 185 275 1810 2067
  港、澳、台商投资企业     funds from hong kong, macao and taiwan 6610 200 190 447 257 7695 4841 2853 3830 3121 321 1 387   387 443 108 3 0 25 197 6 70 541 586
  外商投资企业  enterprises with sole foreign investment 13658 4170 5665 7526 1862 25946 27447 -1501 41456 35245 8023 16 -1828   -1829 1115 25 -5061 0 -5064 645 80 1394 5430 6823
按国民经济行业分 by sector  
  食品、饮料和烟草零售业  retail of food ,beverages and tobaccos 33340 925 14954 15813 2910 50904 24202 26703 79823 70963 4409 976 3474 71 3545 3410 609 252 1337 1647 2530 749 706 14426 5428
  日用百货零售业  retail of daily consumer goods 187450 35128 122646 133383 25510 365578 263087 102491 370111 313808 38208 1712 16382 20 16402 26803 5183 -10884 17 -7015 14149 2577 10519 41180 52533
  纺织品、服装和鞋帽  retail of textiles,garments,shoes and hats 6410   1764 1192 141 10034 7954 2081 9227 7269 923 69 966   966 1257 29 -92 0 -125 265 33 444 930 1372
  日用杂品零售业  retail of daily sundry articles 1088   4540 4736 196 5675 5047 628 7664 6175 802 18 669   669 430 113 -531 0 -531 353 50 153 1005 1118
  五金、交电、化工零售业  retail of hardware,transport,electric 49695 1693 9269 10638 1824 61362 46373 14989 150404 141761 4596 480 3568 24 3592 3657 503 423 70 1238 3999 197 3532 33997 144909
  and chemical products
  药品及医疗器械零售业  retail of medicines and medical appliances 46610 2543 26215 24069 6518 75552 56414 19138 119141 101577 7609 345 9610 31 9641 8458 1408 153 -4 -102 5575 710 3752 15899 17691
  图书报刊零售业  retail of books,newspapers and magazines   32864 641 30680 32980 7024 68422 29495 38927 81352 61820 8978 410 10143   10143 7090 379 3921 72 3694 5776 884 2802 9225 10913
  其他零售业  other retail trade 258249 14342 107316 127758 24336 411204 221625 189577 974212 877727 33887 2984 59616 279 59894 23293 650 22835 3833 31075 15738 2181 34179 140718 150495
按业态分 by business status  
  百货商店 department stores 120513 10710 82276 83531 16152 219430 174222 45208 198802 171473 14819 747 11762 42 11804 19596 3041 -5361 77 -3676 8174 1702 5656 22655 29040
  超级商场 supermarkets 87529 25627 52440 61875 10077 183084 116970 66114 214122 180737 24354 1789 7242   7242 9412 2441 -5781 74 -3378 7253 1079 5168 23382 27859
  专业(专卖)商店 professional (monopoly sales) stores 285414 6563 123690 134887 28979 446975 249531 197444 983659 881763 37370 2506 62020 276 62296 31277 3642 16012 3794 21602 21255 2572 17116 161752 273356
  其他商店 other stores 122250 12372 58978 70276 13251 199242 113474 85768 395351 347127 22869 1952 23404 107 23510 14113 -250 11207 1380 15333 11703 2028 28147 49591 54204