12-5   限额以上批发贸易企业财务状况(2002)  
financial indicators of wholesale enterprises above designated size,2002  
单位:万元                                 (10000 yuan)               (10000 yuan)
       item 流动资产   固定资产 固定资产          所有者权益合计 商品销售 商品销 经营费用 商品销售 商品销 代购代 主营利润 其他业 管理费用 财务费用 营业利润 补贴收入 利润总额 应付工资 应付福利     销 项
      收入净额 售成本 税金及附加 售利润 销收入 务利润     费 总 额 增值税   税 额
total circulating funds longterm investment total fixed asset oringinal prices of fixed assets accumulated depreciation total assess total liabilities total creditors equity net sales revenue cost of  sales  operating expenses sales tax and extra charges sales profits commission sales revenue profits of main business other profits management cost fianancial cost business profits subsidiary revenue total profits total total payable welfare payable value-added tax purchaese taxes sales taxes
        total 4353528 755472 821966 927123 250078 6114736 4006920 2107816 11664770 10844996 350933 13475 455366 4757 460124 30647 256841 53477 179749 29686 228266 243045 95066 106337 1972524 1849208
#国有及国有控股   state-owned and state-holding   3262900 675822 703608 811482 213391 4811136 3114994 1696142 8622694 7988654 251319 10735 371987 4641 376628 25796 210607 44599 147716 26764 187976 222167 92302 94734 1549139 1435680
按登记注册类型分 by type of registration            
 内资企业   domestic funded enterprises 4253717 750917 818116 922158 248860 6003183 3921910 2081274 11485759 10676798 345407 13447 450107 4757 454864 30142 253358 52937 177876 29686 226391 241667 94902 105423 1953764 1829440
  国有企业   state-owned enterprises 2139860 285509 498672 557729 143003 2999699 1942018 1057682 4856116 4443194 145162 7288 260473 2864 263337 16852 160806 30789 91068 22116 119302 114926 87202 53901 1095438 950642
  集体企业   collective-owned enterprises 143413 10264 29294 40514 12645 185222 122741 62481 378173 357704 11150 863 8457 24 8480 2349 8632 1716 744 1657 4676 4408 560 2986 20216 21085
  股份合作企业   cooperative enterprises 35533 67 6002 6321 632 44367 27880 16487 62286 57661 1047 64 3514   3514 22 1566 215 1735 11 1795 679 98 392 7635 8055
  联营企业   joint ownership enterprises 103337 9654 9901 14907 5015 123516 80367 43149 285943 273526 6493 142 5783 128 5911 432 4078 1079 1244 383 1064 1690 245 848 37800 33679
  有限责任公司   limited liability corporations 577372 95184 92643 78162 21998 780741 525533 255208 1632625 1523193 54197 2076 53158 743 53901 3575 31249 7540 18711 2839 25519 95135 2208 -7280 187836 178896
  股份有限公司   share-holding corporations ltd. 633411 324264 140547 173743 44420 1170464 729802 440662 2558881 2412744 66983 2537 76618 2166 78784 5597 22483 7580 50973 509 58107 14227 3248 36091 326165 365055
  私营企业   private enterprises 614374 25975 41015 50737 21143 692707 488055 204652 1682668 1580576 60122 460 41510 -1168 40342 1315 24137 3968 13261 2171 15794 10424 1315 18330 273761 267088
  其他企业   other enterprises 6417   42 45 4 6407 5514 953 29067 28200 253 17 594   595   407 50 140 0 134 178 26 155 4913 4940
 港、澳、台商投资企业  funds from hong kong, macao 68884 4555 3161 3853 796 79932 57434 22498 64111 57841 3485 14 2773   2773 505 2116 37 1143 0 1150 831 114 352 10200 10718
  and taiwan
 外商投资企业  enterprises with sole foreign 30927   689 1112 422 31621 27576 4044 114900 110357 2041 14 2486   2487   1367 503 730 0 725 547 50 562 8560 9050
按国民经济行业分 by sector                          
  食品、饮料、烟草批发业  wholesale of food, beverages 855343 103819 285485 310421 79809 1296171 692565 603605 2121689 1840763 74200 4688 202038 759 202797 7015 98653 11059 97178 17489 119015 85747 82787 54102 840498 774090
  and tobaccos
  棉、麻、土畜产品批发业  wholesale of cotton, amber and 33794 10202 1811 2592 782 46007 38247 7760 70967 66822 2147 2 1996 7 2003 39 702 1405 -41 6 7 432 55 0 5965 442
  animal products
  纺织品、服装和鞋帽批发业  wholesale of textiles, garments, 784581 51429 60446 73796 20046 909756 685706 224050 1519219 1452988 34486 1009 30737 487 31225 2319 25956 8217 -623 3147 4319 12094 2156 53 121651 61248
  shoes and hats
  日用百货批发业  wholesale of daily consumer 90564 9238 11717 14558 2960 111816 81664 30152 296394 277887 10940 299 7269 10 7279 575 4797 1411 1616 232 1021 3160 365 -848 32696 29976
  日用杂品批发业   wholesale of daily sundry articles 22709 1475 9207 10734 9722 37192 18983 18209 55226 50158 2980 367 1721   1721 25 1284 329 156 160 713 1392 162 598 5426 3596
  五金、交电、化工批发业  wholesale of hardware, transport, 186749 24593 23224 29838 7476 233477 170430 63046 408571 384565 12671 542 10793   10793 2709 7675 2144 3898 453 5638 4150 563 4357 54730 55160
  electric and chemical products
  药品及医疗器械批发业  wholesale of medicines and 235342 25168 41980 53521 13837 316952 231695 85257 572574 526544 18123 1129 26778 37 26815 821 19545 3828 5412 278 9213 11317 1587 8397 70626 75805
  medical appliances
  能源批发业  wholesale of energy products 226370 63636 133619 167043 47605 498399 318144 180255 1590287 1479843 54908 2107 53429 1657 55085 3852 17982 4287 33461 559 30311 88302 1303 34670 249357 287432
  化工材料批发业  wholesale of chemical materials 80045 8475 10458 13448 3216 100510 56547 43963 377535 349259 17439 948 9889 53 9942 284 5923 1068 3364 192 3051 2181 315 2075 51925 53020
  木材批发业   wholesale of timber 28570 12563 31518 4344 963 73927 47732 26195 58670 54270 1604 30 2765   2765 460 1390 691 1105 500 1756 488 68 219 3625 3789
  建筑材料批发业  wholesale of building materials 171384 35723 15740 19161 4497 227248 127012 100236 379758 351717 15482 314 12245 148 12393 632 10132 794 2771 469 3841 3624 377 954 30015 27989
  矿产品批发业   wholesale of mineral products 44615 8160 11188 13028 2066 64041 48521 15520 88471 83855 3142 12 1462 75 1537 196 2102 790 -1187 162 -985 659 134 631 7466 6856
  金属材料批发业  wholesale of metal materials 331478 82705 20862 27933 8820 429286 299934 129351 764591 738132 15922 430 10107 476 10583 1319 7447 3262 835 260 5226 2816 433 2033 139923 130076
  机械、电子设备批发业  wholesale of machinery and 435468 44536 47552 49255 14123 535104 376498 158606 940295 879648 23867 1317 35463 1635 37098 3502 19458 4208 15359 1718 21302 10810 1473 506 96330 98079
  electronic equipment
  汽车、摩托车及零配件  wholesale of motor vehicles, 152244 5879 13074 13838 2495 172722 136918 35803 437823 419120 7960 489 10255 45 10300 635 6333 586 4237 245 4026 2552 410 1812 62054 63921
    批发业   motorcycles and parts
  再生物资回收批发业  wholesale of recycled materials 8306 924 2675 3046 691 12321 7387 4933 41143 40256 492 50 345 2 347 695 786 153 104 43 98 194 32 65 1207 1255
  工艺美术批发业  wholesale of arts and handicraft 97602 5966 18896 19809 3921 122669 90938 31731 258624 237418 14746 -1162 7621 -1196 6425 198 6587 1392 -993 1084 -706 3187 330 -6870 25922 2460
  图书报刊批发业  wholesale of books and newspapers 23863 2062 15193 16718 3294 44848 24397 20451 84559 74041 4410 246 5861   5861 415 3637 44 2596 37 2684 2151 252 1203 8611 9781
  农业生产资料批发业  wholesale of materials agricultural 128406 6733 28655 36765 11192 165253 109702 55553 391800 375257 9982 280 6280 6 6286 2091 6344 1355 807 1795 5100 2300 222 950 58248 64174
  其他类未包括的批发业  other wholesale not classified 416095 252187 38666 47275 12563 717037 443900 273140 1206575 1162453 25432 378 18313 556 18869 2865 10108 6454 9694 857 12636 5489 2042 1430 106249 100059