12-4 限额以上批发零售贸易业商品销售类值
value of sales in wholesale and retail sale enterprises above designated size by category
单位:万元           (10000 yuan)
 项目  item 2001     2002    
批发额 零售额 批发额 零售额
食品类 food 892268 722097 170171 837704 620982 216722
饮料类 beverages 76825 59290 17535 123942 106392 17550
烟酒类 tobacco and liquor 1662775 1609728 53047 1475030 1427161 47869
服装类 clothing 517255 444685 72570 714462 641525 72937
鞋帽类 shoes and hats 538349 514527 23822 554760 532157 22603
针、纺织品类 knitwear and textiles 200960 174822 26138 214562 188117 26445
化妆品类 cosmetics 34514 13421 21093 37131 11721 25410
金银珠宝类 gold,silver andjewelry 44764 25621 19143 55820 33449 22371
日用品类 articles for daily use 276599 193928 82671 313541 217653 95888
五金、电料类 hardware and electrical materials 49181 39444 9737 54550 44992 9558
体育、娱乐用品类 sports and recreation articles 44126 32812 11314 38797 28657 10140
书报杂志类 newspapers and magazines 196842 125667 71175 193074 112653 80421
电子出版物及音像制品类 e-journal and video products 14440 9461 4979 29473 24638 4835
家用电器和音像器材类 household appliances and video
374548 236620 137928 419510 253389 166121
中西药品类 tradional chinese and western
628103 348386 279717 679453 391588 287865
文化办公用品类 cultural and official goods 89220 65269 23951 189850 145526 44324
家具类 furniture 41742 37755 3987 47365 41402 5963
通讯器材类 commuication appliances 155252 130662 24590 248128 214820 33308
煤炭及制品类 coal and related products 76004 72913 3091 103402 101459 1943
木材及制品类 wood and wooden products 51788 51788   73673 73673  
石油及制品类 petroleum and related products 1751466 1438047 313419 1669205 1282806 386399
化工材料类 raw chemical materials 675395 665734 9661 812149 801399 10750
金属材料类 metal materials 544005 516684 27321 909895 890596 19299
建筑及装潢材料类 building and decoration materials 209296 204507 4789 254796 243410 11386
机电产品及设备类 mechanical and electrical products
 and equipment
712403 552380 160023 1324087 893503 430584
种子饲料类 seed and feedstuff 61807 61807   77151 77151  
棉麻土畜类 cotton,hemp and livestock 12797 12797   12084 12084  
其他类 others 1212990 1140486 72504 1342629 1306737 35892