12-1  限额以上批发贸易业商品购销存总额(2002年)
total purchases,sales and inventory of wholesale enterprises
above designated size, 2002
单位:万元         (10000 yuan)
                               item 法人企业 产业活动 从业人员 购进总额   销售总额       年末库存
(个) (个) (人) #进口         
      total goods purchase   #出口
number of corporation(unit) number of economic active units (unit) persons employed (person) import sales wholesale exports retail sale  inventory at the year-end
     total 973 985 59658 10845401 1164246 11869400 11106143 3602636 763257 875496
#国有及国有控股      state-owned and state-holding        559 560 44338 7905107 907821 8668523 8115743 2936760 552780 631547
按登记注册类型分 by registration category    
 内资企业   domestic funded enterprises 955 960 58093 10626566 1093837 11633571 10878621 3561813 754950 863415
  国有企业     state-owned enterprises 357 360 31767 4602081 271928 5135505 4826471 2181734 309034 385779
  集体企业     collective-owned enterprises 37 37 2194 382210 60400 402066 388800 37819 13266 45112
  股份合作企业     cooperative enterprises 8 8 203 95547   58262 55924 2209 2338 39277
  联营企业     joint ownership enterprises 32 32 726 268933 38589 305565 296074 60251 9491 13569
   国有联营企业       state-owned joint ownership 19 19 468 157471 19935 165341 157440 26531 7901 11136
   集体联营企业       collective joint ownership                    
   国有与集体联营企业       joint state-collective 4 4 87 62179 4262 80966 80966 20047   1138
   其他联营企业       other joint ownership 9 9 171 49283 14392 59258 57668 13673 1590 1295
  有限责任公司     limited liability corporations 188 188 7583 1535456 250231 1709702 1625753 344867 83949 169354
   国有独资企业       state sole funded corporations 11 11 1146 242839 100476 245637 212051 32783 33586 21871
   其他有限责任公司       other limited liability 177 177 6437 1292618 149755 1464065 1413702 312084 50363 147483
  股份有限公司     share-holding corporations ltd. 67 69 7754 2106361 332914 2268470 2064534 461626 203936 103895
  私营企业     private enterprises 264 264 7686 1606323 139775 1723943 1597534 473309 126409 103403
   私营独资企业       private-funded enterprises 9 9 179 75059 2839 74465 59672 20184 14793 4267
   私营合伙企业       private partnership enterprises 8 8 124 44866 2759 46493 46374 13337 119 1846
   私营有限责任公司       private limited liability 239 239 7080 1418027 134177 1533252 1422724 437226 110528 93540
   私营股份有限公司       private share-holding 8 8 303 68371   69733 68764 2562 969 3751
       corporations ltd.
  其他企业     other enterprises 2 2 180 29655   30058 23531   6527 3026
 港澳台商投资企业   funds from hong kong, macao 12 13 1123 68088 4056 76300 68013 204 8287 3380
   and taiwan
  合资企业     joint-venture enterprises 8 9 316 37337 3725 38868 32785   6083 2461
  合作企业     cooperative enterprises    
  独资企业     enterprises with sole investment 4 4 807 30751 331 37432 35228 204 2204 919
 外商投资企业   foreign funded enterprises 6 12 442 150747 66353 159529 159508 40619 21 8701
  中外合资     joint-venture enterprises 2 4 118 34058   39707 39686 213 21 1492
  中外合作     cooperation enterprises  
  外资企业     enterprises with sole foreign 4 8 324 116689 66353 119822 119822 40406   7209
  外商投资股份有限公司     share-holding with foreign funds  
按国民经济行业分 by sector        
 食品、饮料、烟草和家庭   wholesale of food, beverages 408 417 36627 4559096 192235 5326659 5042039 2098275 284620 399945
  用品批发业    & tobaccos and household articles
  食品、饮料、烟草批发业     wholesale of food, beverages 162 169 18908 1907259 44444 2232357 2181479 46469 50878 174586
     and tobaccos
  棉、麻、土畜产品批发业     wholesale of cotton, amber 3 3 167 68966   69674 69674 69674   7275
     and animal products
  纺织品、服装和鞋帽     wholesale of textiles, garments, 98 98 4470 1261512 85275 1565562 1564282 1216586 1280 38987
   批发业      shoes and hats
  日用百货批发业     wholesale of daily consumer 38 39 1802 287014 8814 316257 313338 140533 2919 20921
  日用杂品批发业     wholesale of daily sundry articles 9 9 1298 59216 929 57244 57060 37466 184 4263
  五金、交电、化工批发业     wholesale of hardware, transport, electric and chemical products 49 50 3369 385466 30482 442410 431478 117156 10932 83135
  药品及医疗器械批发业     wholesale of medicines and 49 49 6613 589664 22292 643155 424728 52170 218427 70779
     medical appliances
 能源、材料和机械电子   wholesale of energy,materials, 455 458 17596 4252304 498146 4606110 4146178 734802 459932 267081
    设备批发业    machines and electric equipments
  能源批发业     wholesale of energy products 92 94 6431 1222208 9123 1324415 1111729 11050 212686 62210
  化工材料批发业     wholesale of chemical materials 65 65 1173 376046 57791 411840 406079 57085 5761 17171
  木材批发业     wholesale of timber 8 8 275 25138 5437 29216 29216 7133   1455
  建筑材料批发业     wholesale of building materials 56 56 1641 356865 38449 402869 393535 184420 9334 14636
  矿产品批发业     wholesale of mineral products 12 12 350 70607 14569 90933 90933 78236   4203
  金属材料批发业     wholesale of metal materials 76 76 1750 808786 145463 850977 837376 45768 13601 53038
  机械、电子设备批发业     wholesale of machinery and 90 90 4200 922674 200688 987488 960009 335912 27479 84987
     electronic equipment
  汽车、摩托车及零配件     wholesale of motor vehicles, 50 51 1563 428688 26627 465410 274657 15198 190753 28364
   批发业      motorcycles and parts
  再生物资回收批发业     wholesale of recycled materials 6 6 213 41292   42962 42644   318 1017
 其他批发业   other wholesale 110 110 5435 2034001 473865 1936631 1917926 769559 18705 208470
  工艺美术批发业     wholesale of arts and handicraft 29 29 1482 438146 7911 259431 259431 235918   8026
  图书报刊批发业     wholesale of books and newspapers 9 9 745 133615   119077 109347 4224 9730 104361
  农业生产资料批发业     wholesale of materials agricultural 39 39 1709 405808 89291 406314 397389 34613 8925 49211
  其他类未包括的批发业     other wholesale not classified 33 33 1499 1056432 376663 1151809 1151759 494805 50 46871