11-9  铁路运输工具拥有量(年底数) 
railway passenger coaches and freight cars,end of year
    project 1995 2000 2001 2002
铁路配属机车(台) number of railway locomotives (unit) 288 292 291 313
  蒸汽机车      steam locomotives    75 17  
  内燃机车        diesel locomotives   57 99 103 105
  电力机车         electric locomotives 156 176 188 208
铁路配属客车(辆) number of railway passenger coaches (coach) 620 725 629 698
#软卧车    soft berth coaches         40 46 47 40
  硬卧车         hard berth coaches   196 233 217 231
  软座车        soft seat coaches      6 6 5 4
  硬座车         hard seat coaches    282 319 249 246
  行李车     luggage cars      26 43 38 45
铁路运用货车(万辆) number of railway freight cars(10000 coaches) 156.60 215.95 219.88 227.20